Just for Ham Radio folks


Senior Member
On a similar track is the hidden world of 'Silicon Art' or silicon graffitti. It is where the IC designer 'hides' an image in the die layout. These little doodles are phenominally small, but end up in every chip produced.

Have a look at this website for some pics and in depth explanations.


Below is an example from the Motorola XPC750 microprocessor die.



Senior Member
That is SO cool!! And to think some people reckon engineers don't have a sense of humour :)

It reminds a bit of the run-off grooves in records - they used to scratch some funny sayings in those...


Senior Member
#059 - Grounded!

This one, I thought, was pretty self-explanatory until I started to go through it with my wife. I then got onto analogue versus digital grounds, and then her eyes started to glaze over.........



Senior Member
Fastest way to get my wife to leave the room: waxing lyrical about star grounds, and how their importance and value in amplifier circuits is not to be under-estimated :)

Dan M

New Member
I see the ham radio... If you were to draw a group of musicians playing next to the table, they would be the side-band...

Dan M.

I won't bother folks with every cartoon I do, but I really liked this one and thought there might be a few on the forum who are into ham radio.


Kind regards, Barney

p.s. if anyone wants this on a T-shirt, mousepad, mug, bag etc please PM me.


Senior Member
062 Square root

Taking a step to the left, some PICAXEs haven't been able to easily to up until recent times - the glorious square root (cube root to follow). My wife bemoaned that most of my work seems to be biased (haha!) to electronics.

p.s. if anyone wants to follow the latest stuff I do as well, if you search for Ohmart on Facebook, find an image that looks like a transistor in a blender, and click the 'Like' button, that would be splenderous.

And now, back to our feature programme :)



Senior Member
067 R-C Network

Based on the most useful RC (Resistor-Capacitor) Network, keeping you up to date with the latest surge and spike news!!



Senior Member
While doing a bit of reading on the history of radio valves, I spotted this picture (below), and thought of this thread right away.

NBW, your cartoon characters are not an original idea :D

The cartoon depicts Klaas Rodenhuis traveling to Paris with two of his 'children' (new tubes for IBM).

He was the director of Philips Tube devision (VALVO) around the 1950's, and he is credited with developing the high speed triode (a valve transistor) that can handle frequencies above 1Ghz, and was used in computers and test equipment.

The left hand image marks the production of the 700,000th tube for IBM.
Both images are from a book Rodenhuis was given as a leaving present in 1959 when he left Philips.


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Senior Member
I'd never heard of this chap until I read your post.

As far as originality goes, while I'm not the first to cartoonise components, I'm very comfortable my concepts, style, humour etc haven't been replicated by anyone else. :p


Senior Member
p.s. to whoever thinks 'there are no original ideas' (and there are tons of folks out there who say this)... where did the ideas come from in the first place? huh?!??! ;)


Senior Member
068 Trimpot

Ahem, and now that I've climbed back off my soapbox, here's 068 - with respect to the mighty Bournes trimmer. This one is dedicated to J. Craig, who apparently lost lots of k's in her time :)



Senior Member
070 Notch filter

A little tongue-in-cheek, or just a bit cheeky this one - deep V notch, roll-offs etc.

It was either that or draw a (S)allen key :)



Senior Member
072 Logic families

Dedicated to everyone's neighbours everywhere... even the crusty old ones that won't throw your ball back. <end child-hood annoyance rant here> :D



Senior Member
073 Photo-multiplier

This one is based on the photo-multiplier, that cheeky trickster at every office party!



Senior Member
074.How current sees it...

I drew this one to describe to my 7 yr old son what current "sees" when it comes to a branch with 2 different resistances. He understands now that a little bit of brave current will "choose" the high resistance path, but that most goes for the easier route :)


John West

Senior Member
Ah, so that's the problem. I've spent my life taking the 1M Ohm route instead of the 1K route. That explains a lot.