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  1. R

    Colour GLCDs

    I've done almost all I want to with monochrome GLCDs. Does anyone know of 'next step' colour GLCD options?
  2. R

    Stepper Motors for CNC control

    I wish to use picaxe (one master and one for each motor) to control 3 stepper motors for a CNC machine. At full speed rates the clock frequency could be up to 18kHZ. The distance moved is dependent on clock cont. Is there a reliable way to accurately count and stop the PWM output?
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    TX and RX

    I see that there is a huge increase in cheap 2.4GHZ transmitters and recievers which will not interfere with model aircraft etc Has anyone tried these linked to a picaxe?
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    QLCD for NZ readers

    Hope I can make contact with any NZ readers who may have used the QLCD from Surplus Electronics.($NZ 17) I need help. Type Agena AG1286401 Ver 2
  5. R


    The following code was posted on testing a 40X1 serial port to scratch memory. The code uses flags that are not ( as far as I can see) in the manuals, in particular HSerInFlag Is there a master list of flags? Where did this ( these) ones come from? Main...
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    Serial Input by Bit Banging

    Amazing this hobby isnt it, first you learn to light up an LED and from then on its LCDs, serial inputs and now bit banging. Based on a previous question I have abandoned my attempts to run a LCD from a serial input via interrupts. I thought about the spiin command, but even though I am using an...
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    Serial input to LCD problem

    I have an 18X running an LCD if I program OutputByte = "W" gosub WriteToLCD then my write routine puts a W on the screen, no problems I am using the picaxe Serial Terminal to send characters to pin 2 on the 18X to learn about serial to LCD However if , under interrupt I use serin 2, N2400...
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    LCD Initialisation

    I am playing with 2 line displays and an 18X with great success, not my design sadly. The initation code is rs = LCDInstruct for Counter = 0 to 5 lookup Counter,($33,$32,$28,$0F,$01,$06),OutputByte ' #33 8 bit 1 line 5 x 7 dots ' $32 ??????????? ' $28 4 bits 2 lines 5 x 7 dots '...
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    Agena LCDs

    I found a LCD from the above but I can't connect to their web site - Does anyone know if they still exist and if so where I can get product information.
  10. R

    Default pins command

    Can someone please assist with this piece of code. The code splits a byte (OutputByte) in 2 and sends to pins 7,6,5, and 4 but I don't understand how it works pins = OutputByte & $F0|2|rs I get the &F0 but not |2|rs