

The following code was posted on testing a 40X1 serial port to scratch memory. The code uses flags that are not ( as far as I can see) in the manuals, in particular HSerInFlag
Is there a master list of flags? Where did this ( these) ones come from?

Main: HSerOut SendNoBreak, ("Waiting...", CR, LF)
HSerPtr = 0 'Reset (background) write pointer
HSerInFlag = 0 'Reset reception indicator
Ptr = 0 'Reset read pointer
@Ptr = 0 'Clear the first scratchpad location
Do Until HSerInFlag = 1 'Wait for incoming character (string)


Senior Member
There is a list of flags on page 10 of the Basic Commands Manual (section entitled "Variables - System"), as well as on page 18 and 152. The manual does reference "HSerInFlag" however doesn't seem to include it in the list under this name.



Senior Member
I just recognised that code as some that I posted recently.

The HSerInFlag flag is one of the more poorly documented parameters in the manuals.

The flag is mentioned at the bottom of page 63 (Command Manual - HSerSetUp command). It is accepted by the syntax checker of Programming Editor version 5.2.0, possibly earlier versions.