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    new picaxe chip

    Will Picaxe ever develop a chip with a millisecond timer and floating point math, either as a standalone or one that can feed the timing and math (integer)results to a very capable chip like the 20X2? Al
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    Cross reference PIC to Picaxe types

    Is it a secret what type PIC(s) are used to make: the 08M2,14M2,18M2 and 20M2? Thanks Al
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    Instruction Cycle Time 14M2

    I have a routine for counting N-Scale model railroad axles and speed among other things. The East or West routine starts when a wheel set is detected from either direction of travel. It measures elapsed time until the same wheel set is detected at the end of a 24 inch timing gate and uses the...
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    20x2 timer function similar to one on 14m2

    I use the code below on a Picaxe 14M2 to count seconds between switch closures. Time can vary fron 1 to 22 seconds. Will loop around keeponw until pinc.2 goes true. Can this be done on the Picaxe 20X2 and if so how? Thanks Al Start: setfreq m4 pulsout b.3,10 ;reset if pinc.1 = 1 then east if...
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    AXE401 and TFT LCD Shield

    I just finished constructing the kit that makes a AXE401. Very high quality unit that now needs an application shield. Has any one written/ported over software for one of these? Thanks Al
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    20X2 interrupts again

    First off - I don't completely understand Hardware Interrupts and after reading what seems like more than 20 posts here on the forum concerning same, it seems that I am not alone. In the code below programA will handle interrupts without fail when 'dir' is either 0 or 1. ProgramB will do the...
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    Counting puloses(axles) on a model railroad

    Here is how I count the number of axles on an N-Scale model railroad with train speeds in the range <10 scale mph to about 220 scale mph. The Picaxe 08M2 sends the axle count to a Picaxe 14M2 on same board that calculates train speed and outputs speed and axle count aurally and visually. I...
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    Is zero(0) a true zero?

    If i write: symbol gnd = b7 b7 = 0 What value does b7 hold? Is it 0.0v or is it the same as a low which can be considered low if it is less than 0.2 *Vcc? Al
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    I just threw away a good Picaxe 14m

    I had two of the old Picaxe 14m chips - one operating in a circuit and one for a spare. I attempted to program the spare and got the 255 error so I threw the chip away. Later I pulled the working 14m and got the same results. I moved the programming station from a Dell Inspiron 600 to a Shuttle...
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    I2C Display Address

    I have been using the following code to identify the address of some OLED displays - two - that I have. One, a GLCD-FLEXEL was found to have an address of $8c. I have been using this OLED for quite a while now. The other unit - a .96" OLED was found to have an address of $78. Now if I just had...
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    Table lookup and BCD output

    Hello I am using the following to index a table using a Picaxe 20M2. works fine - will the table values remain when power is turned off and only change with a new download? #picaxe 20M2 table 0,(218,109,73,55,44,36,31,27,24,22,20,18,17,16,15,14,13,12,11,11,10) for b0 = 0 to 20 readtable b0,b1...
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    Emic 2 text to speech

    Anyone care to offer comments on this. I don't know it the wait for routine works - I get back an inverted L. But it doesn't seem to overrun.The reading of b.3 is waiting for a switch closure. #picaxe 18M2 #no_data setfreq m8 pause 3500 main: serout b.5,T9600_8,("v","+18",cr) repeat: if pinb.3...
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    Servo Jitter

    Back again: Al
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    I am using the following code to get a variable delay up to 60 seconds to control a sound board in model railroad applications. As i know nothing about Readadc10 is the following code efficient. In max delay I get 63.1 to 63.8 seconds which is accurate enough for my application - seems like the...
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    Crossing Bell Sound Board Controller

    Does this program look ok? It works fine - do I need to identify the type Picaxe,etc? Thanks Al
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    Servo Jumping/Jitter

    I have read several posts here on the forum about servo jitter when using a Picaxe. I am using a 08M2 to control a model railroad semaphore with a servopos value of 80 to drive the servo to the up or 0 deg position, a value of 90 to go to the 45 deg position and a value of 100 to go to the 90...
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    Servo control of a stub turnout

    I want to use a 9g micro servo driven by a Picaxe-14M to control a stub N-Scale 3way turnout. While the two endpoints are position repeatable the center is not due to servo backlash(?). If I approach the center position from the same direction the position is repeatable. Is there any way around...
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    18M2 motor driver led flasher

    I am now using a Picaxe-14M to drive (through a IXDN404PI chip) a DC gearmotor while checking for a low on an input pin at which time the motor is stopped. While the motor is running I would also like to flash a LED. Sensing when the input goes low and stopping the motor is critical time wise...
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    Decimal fractions

    Is it possible to use a number like Pi or 9.17 as a constant on one of the M processors? Thanks Al
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    Pullup resistor requirements

    All my Picaxe 08 and 20M chips require a pullup resistor on the pin assigned to serout. My lone 14M does not. Is this normal? Thanks Al