Counting puloses(axles) on a model railroad


Here is how I count the number of axles on an N-Scale model railroad with train speeds in the range <10 scale mph to about 220 scale mph.
The Picaxe 08M2 sends the axle count to a Picaxe 14M2 on same board that calculates train speed and outputs speed
and axle count aurally and visually. I originally tried Pulsin on the 08M2 and it worked when I would push a car through
the timing/counting gate by hand. Also don't believe I could get this to work with 'Multi-tasking'.
Any critique/comments/suggestions for improvement are requested/welcome.
Photo shows pulses for one car(wagon).
The four pulses on right side of screen.axlcnt2a.jpg

#Picaxe 08M2		;Model railroad axle counter train speed <10smph to 220smph
setfreq m32
symbol cnt = b8		;number of axles
setint %00001000,%00001000
b8 = 0
setfreq m32
if pinc.1 = 1 then east	;east end of 2 ft. timing gate
if pinc.2 = 0 then start
initw:			;west end of 2 ft.timing gate
time = 0
pause 65500			;allows train to reach center of timing
pause 65500			;gate where axle counter (pin c.3) is located. 
mainw:			;this could take up to 10 seconds and			
b7 = time			;if b7 reached 3 seconds program could (w/o delay)
if b7 > 2 then finishw	;end without counting any axles.After more than
goto mainw			;2 seconds after last count(interrupt) goes to finish
time = 0
pause 65500
pause 65500			;same as west routine
b7 = time
if b7 > 2 then finishe
goto maine 
interrupt:			;each wheel passing through an IR beam generates an
if pinc.3 = 1 then interrupt  ;interrupt on pin c.3 which increments axle count
				; by one  and resets time to zero
inc b8			 
setint %00001000, %00001000
time = 0
if pinc.1 = 1 then finishw	;checks for train exit east bound out of timing gate
goto finish
if pinc.2 = 1 then finishe	;checks for train exit west bound out of timing gate
setfreq m8
;sertxd("cnt =  ",#b8,"time = ",#b7,10,13)
pause 3000
serout c.4,N2400,(":",b8) ; sends axle count to a Picaxe 14M2 which displays
goto start			  ;axle count and train speed on a 7-segment readout
				;and gives an audio output of both using an EMIC 2
				;voice module
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