simulation of program

How do you change the LCD simulator to 4x20, the window shows the options in the bottom but i cannot get it to change and it always remains on 2x16.


Ex-Staff (retired)
This appears to relate to the Serial LCD simulation of PE5.

Clicking the radio buttons at the bottom of that screen works for me, the selection switches to whichever is clicked upon and the display shows more or less as it changes. If changing up in size, some additional character positions will only become occupied when new data is sent to the display.

#picaxe 08m2
  serout 0,n2400,(254,$80, "00000000011111111112" )
  serout 0,n2400,(254,$C0, "12345678901234567890" )
  serout 0,n2400,(254,$94, "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRST" )
  serout 0,n2400,(254,$D4, "abcdefghijklmnopqrst" )
  pause 5000
Thanks hippy, pretty weird been trying to select via radio buttons for weeks and not been able to just tried again now and viola everything works !!