SERRXD problem


Senior Member
I did change the code a bit to turn the led on and off like you suggested Hippy.

I did find leds were better for monitoring the sda and scl pins I used a meter just touching the clk pin
actually restarted i2c working again(a logic probe did the same ) I guess the meter provided a pulse to get it back in sync. My setup was quite complicated I watching activity on every pin I dont want to go back there lol.
turning on and off at different lines of code.(these lines sometimes improve the situation by acting like pauses also)

Hippy suggestion is agood one as ususal you could test all the pins that way
just be aware touching sck or sda pins may start it working again.

Unfortunately when I had my setup working I didnt bother going back removing different commands
to see if that made any differrence and this would be very time consuming
just glad it was working so I could write some code and play lol.
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Senior Member
I ran a similar test using a 28X2 and reading an I2C Eeprom; I also did not get any lock-ups. I'm wondering if the issue is I2C related, but something to do with the module rather than the PICAXE.

It's always very difficult to determine what makes something completely stop and where it has stopped is hopefully useful to point to why. I would consider turning a LED on and a previous LED off for each of the lines so the LED indications may show where the program is / was when it stops. You don't necessarily need the LED's themselves, just the signal output whose levels can be read using a meter
Should I try the same code without the shield connected? With just pull ups on the i2c lines.

Ok I'll try to work out which line it's locking up at.


Ex-Staff (retired)
It's probably worthwhile without the shield connected. You won't get meaningful data but at least you'll be able to tell if it still locks up.


Senior Member
It's always very difficult to determine what makes something completely stop and where it has stopped is hopefully useful to point to why. I would consider turning a LED on and a previous LED off for each of the lines so the LED indications may show where the program is / was when it stops. You don't necessarily need the LED's themselves, just the signal output whose levels can be read using a meter
Using this method I have determined that the code stops at the hi2cin command.


Senior Member
No need to buy an Arduino after all.

I have switched my 28X2-5V with a new 28X2 and I haven't been able to get it to lock up yet.


Senior Member

Hippy, the diode mixing of serout and Hserout pins is now working since I started using the AXE027 download cable.

Downloads seem a lot slower using the AXE027 cable though??