Picaxe 28x2 Autopilot for Snoopy's Trans-Atlantic Robot Boat


Senior Member
There is no firmware incompatability issue with any 28X2. PE6 will talk to any version.

I am reasonably certain the problem is on your new boards, but would still like to see confirmation that your PC and cable are working properly.

The paperclip test I showed in post #77 is 100% guaranteed to show one way or another that your programming system is OK. It's not difficult to perform, just follow the steps highlighted in the post.

Robin Lovelock

Senior Member
The 28X2 module has two 0V connections but you are only using the one on leg 27. It's possible that this was okay for the older module but might not be suitable for the newer module. Try connecting leg 4 to 0V and then test the download on the "Study PC" as you know this downloaded okay to your reference board (1).

Check the voltage on the legs of the 28X2 module to see if it's what you expect it to be.

With the power off use a meter to check you don't have a short between legs 26 & 27, as this would cause a permanent reset and prevent you from downloading code.
Brilliant advice Jack. Thanks - I'm onto it: may take a while. Robin. www.gpss.co.uk


Ex-Staff (retired)
I just tested those spare and new boards (2),(3),(4) but withouty good result on this "Study" PC.
See attached images picaxed1.gif and picaxed2.gif - good news I see the Picaxe on the port
but get that failure message - even if I press the reset button.
That is good news. It again confirms the "Study PC" has the AXE027 drivers installed which is why you could program (1). That (2), (3) and (4) give a "Hardware not found" error indicates that new modules either need a Hard Reset to program, or there could be a board fault, or mis-wiring as you suspect.

The issue with the "Lounge PC" does look to be that the AXE027 drivers are not fully installed on that.. Once installed you should be able to program your (1) and (2), (3), (4) using Hard Reset after resolving any hardware issue with those.

Robin Lovelock

Senior Member
Hi Guys. I have just "suspended work" ( given up ? ) after an hour or two of finding my own silly faults ( mostly sloppy soldering ) on the spare boards, (2),(3), and (4). Right now there is an (unseen) short circuit (S/C) across the 5v power on board (2). Lots of silly things causing delay like "where is board 3 ?" - slipping into the gap between cushions on our lounge sofa :) Of course, my friend Roy, has the use of an upstairs room for his "laboratory" - no chance of that here - the lounge will have to do :)

The good news is that I have 3 spare boards, and lots of the right components, if I find a mug willing to spend time on it, and do the job properly :)

Meanwhile, priorities dictate that I spend what time I have on other things.
Thanks again for your help - in helping me find my own silly mistakes and sloppy "work" ;-)

Robin on www.gpss.co.uk with Snoopy on www.gpss.co.uk/autop.htm


Senior Member
Some things require that we be well-rested, comfortably fed (but not to the point of drowsiness) and have good lighting - maybe a lighted magnifier - and that we can have an hour or two uninterrupted by "honey?" or "daddy?" or "grandpa?", depending on the ages of whomever is doing the work and other people in the dwelling. ;-)

I got more done in less time when I had a workshop in a small building 10 feet from the house but with light and heat. Few braved the dark and none braved the rain. I did have an intercom for the actual emergencies.

Something I learned the hard way - the time to do something right is always less than the time to do it over.

Robin Lovelock

Senior Member
Hi Guys. After months of little progress to report, I thought it time to point you to Snoopy's "blog10" on www.gpss.co.uk/rbblog10.htm and try and paste in a relevant extract below. I hope it works ! One reason is that today, I met up with a very experience local chap, who MAY wish to join this forum. I loaned/gave him one of the several Picaxe 28X2 boards I built months ago, but - as yet - did not get to work. Maybe my mistakes.

Here is my attempt to paste in the relevant bit on Blog10 ...

Old Snoopy Robot Boat Autopilot
Wednesday 28th June 2023: Other more important things have delayed work on Snoopy's boat, but good progress made. Servo reversers arrived, and one was soon plugged in, and - of course - worked :) More importantly, today Robin found an old "Maplins" plastic bag, full of needed electronics bits, such as circuit card, diodes, resistors, etc, etc. The old Picaxe 28X2 module, seen in the low left of this photo, will make it so much easier, as a reference, when soldering the module, then pins, resistors, etc - into the right places. THEN we can try loading the Autopilot software into it. But before that, Robin used an old multi-meter to check the current drawn by the total 5v NiMHd battery->GPS->Picaxe 28X2 Module-> Servo reverser->Acoms AS17 Servo. The current drawn seemed a little more than earlier blog notes, and schoolboy arithmetic can be used to make sure our duplicated solar power system is adequate. It obviously depends on what part of the year, such as if in Summer, Autumn, or Winter. Note that if the system runs flat, it should start up again when it gets enough light to recharge batteries. Rough figures of current drawn are as follows: 70mA peaking to 120mA when moving servo. So average of 80mA current drawn ? The old Snoopy Robot Boat Design page speaks of < 40 or 50mA. Most school kids should be able to calculate how many hours and days batteries should last. e.g. 4 x 2,400 mAH batteries = 9,600 mAH capacity divided by 80 mA -> 120 hours / 24 = 5 days ? BUT, with enough average light ( not just sunlight ), it MIGHT not run flat at all. Others can check my references, arithmetic, or might even test the same components themselves ;-)
Sunday 27th August 2023: VERY LITTLE PROGRESS during July and August. What little time Robin spent working on things, like replacement ( and spares for ) the Picaxe 28X2 Autopilot, and replament of the I-Got GPS Logger, was mostly him making mistakes ( with nobody to check his work ) - but we learn from our ( and other people's ) mistakes. Few others will wish to search for the relevant events on Robin's Youtube Channel "photo trails" ;-)

BUT, these very useful extracts from Blogs were invaluable on two topics: a suitable replacement of the I-GotU GPS logger, and - more important - Robin's shifting his time to rebuilding of the Snoopy Sloop 11 hull, including adding the new replacent solar panels.


Robin Lovelock

Senior Member
Hi Guys. Crikey - over a year since my last posting above, and the problem is the same: I wish to have several identical Picaxe 28X2 boards, as spares, before launching Snoopy's Robot Boat on another Trans-Atlantic Attempt - at risk of losing the whole boat - or what happened last time - it "sailed" in, 6 weeks after tracking stopped, near Weymouth - but EAST of Brighton ! Due to a stupid mistake by me, the rudder came out, and sea water got in - writing off all the electronics - including the Picaxe 28X2 Autopilot. Links that follow are important, but you will hear the Picaxe Autopilot software speaking, a few minutes into
All the details are on pages such as "Snoopy" on www.gpss.co.uk/autop.htm the linked "Blog10" page www.gpss.co.uk/rbblog10.htm and IMPORTANT "Design" page www.gpss.co.uk/rbdesign.htm that also provides the autopilot program for anyone who want to help me - at a sensible price. The last conversations were me needing to "reset" the module - which I did not manage to do. I hope the above links work. Here is another: linked from the top of my "Contact" page www.gpss.co.uk/contact.htm : "Robin's CV" on www.gpss.co.uk/robinscv.htm - sorry for what looks like "self promotion" but it can reduce Grandma being told how to suck eggs ;-) Try not to doze off to sleep, or fall off your chairs laughing :) Robin Lovelock in Sunninghill on www.gpss.co.uk p.s. If any of you decide to make a robot boat, rather than just the Picaxe 28X2 based Autopilot board, I'm sure we'd welcome another member to Team-Joker :)

Robin Lovelock

Senior Member
Hi Guys. It looks like any future robot boats will not be Picaxe based, but using products easier to program, like the Micromite, or other more famous micros :) It's a pity, since the problem is explained above - being sure that can still buy - at any price - hardware that is compatible. The offer is still open, particularly to Hippy, who I think owns the company. BUT, the main reason for this posting is that many of my relevant pages have been updated, now Snoopy Sloop 11 is close to final tests before his Trans-Atlantic Attempt. I'm hoping some of you will get into robot boats the easy way - a conventional radio controlled model boat, and replacing the receiver by a suitable computer as an autopilot. Those earlier links still apply, but the pages have had other information added and should be clearer :) Take Care. Robin. www.gpss.co.uk


Senior Member
Cool project Robin! I glanced at your July 3 video. Jealous that you're off to Sicily, my favorite place. This Yank has bicycled around the island several times. Enjoy your trip!


Robin Lovelock

Senior Member
Hi Erco ! Great reply and pictures, and I'm sure Hippy and others will forgive us. I hope my links work :)
I expect you were misled by my "Contac" page www.gpss.co.uk/contact.htm that mentioned, until yesterday, Sicily.
We've been back from Sicily some time - as on our "Holiday" page www.gpss.co.uk/holiday.htm
Enough there to get you lost ! Several years ago, when visiting the bar, up in the mountains,
we met a "Sicily Cycle Club" from Woking, near us in Sunninghill - some were from McLaren :)
Higher priority "work" after we got was my update on 1970s "Roman Communist War" on www.gpss.co.uk/johnman.htm
Yesterday was wife June's birthday, with a long family trip out, ending in Italian Dinner - with Arancini - not far way.
Coming back, gradually "on topic" that "SpotT2" spare SPOT Satcomms tracker on "Contact" page shows where the car went :) Pages recently updated include Snoopy's "Blog" ( index) page on www.gpss.co.uk/rbblog.htm
So, a Bray Lake Test soon, then that Atlantic Attempt, when we have a "weather window" mentioned on "Snoopy" on www.gpss.co.uk/autop.htm IMPORTANT FOR THIS FORUM: I'm hoping for a source of built Picaxe 28X2 boards, ideally
with my version "Romeo" of the autopilot loaded from end of "Design" page www.gpss.co.uk/rbdesign.htm ideally with other components and connectors to the board. Failing that, at least the Picaxe 28X2 module that has been reset and compatible with those I purchased years ago. The Micromite is MUCH easier to program, but no need to change one line of code in Picaxe version "Romeo" - unchanged since December 2017 ! Here is a final link, rthat may reduce guys telling grandma ( or grandpa ) how to such eggs: www.gpss.co.uk/robinscv.htm :) After sending this off, I may look at the visotor counters at bottom of some of my pages, and guess where you are now - or at least the country ;-)
Take Care


Hi Robin,
I was surprised that "The Micromite is MUCH easier to program" Could explain a bit more, is it the interface , or language that you find easier ? I have found the Picaxe editor and simulator to be pretty good as is the availability of almost instant response from this forum when difficulties arise. Good luck with the next crossing attempt. Dennis

Robin Lovelock

Senior Member
Hi Dennis. I'll try and start a new thread on something like "Micromite" since it is possible
that Revolution Education might choose to own and sell this product. At little or no cost to them ;-)

Robin Lovelock

Senior Member
Hi Dennis & All. We now have a new "MicroMite" thread which I think says enough - in hands of Revolution Education if appropriate to discuss.
Anyone is welcome to contact me on any subject direct, ideally first by email, but I suggest you start with a look at my "Contact" page www.gpss.co.uk/contact.htm and then maybe continue face-to-face or via something like my ROBINLOVELOCKSFRIENDS google group.

So, back to the main topic: how do I get those working Picaxe 28X2 based modules and/or boards ? :)

Robin Lovelock

Senior Member
4 minutes into this 44 minute video is relevant to the Picaxe 28X2 Autopilot in Snoopy's Robot Boat.
is a 44 minute video with the trails of photos shot on 4 days between Saturday 13th until Sunday 21st July 2024. This included June's Birthday :) The video starts with Robin's usual amusing introduction, shot on Monday 22nd July, walking down their front drive at 22 Armitage Court in Sunninghill. You will see Snoopy's Robot Boat in the "Games Room", ready for a Bray Lake Test, before it's 2024 Atlantic Attempt.Robin goes around the back garden and in house, including Kitchen, his Study, and the Lounge, showing a few things. e.g. how, with help, they might get the house, back to what is was several decades ago. The introduction shows important detail for potential helpers in "property maintenance" ;-) After the photo trails, Robin wraps up with video shot in July 2023: prophetic words of James Lovelock about Global Warming, and Robin's suggestions about the DVLA. He still has not received his driving licence. Most guys would be annoyed, but Robin is often amused by incompetence - so long as it does not result in suffering, pain, or death. Yes, as can be expected, from Robin's career, then hobby interests, there are plenty of examples of people, GPS Tracking, and technology put to good use. e.g. wildlife and people caught on CCTV. The automatic subtitles/captions were soon available, with translation into any language. Well Done Youtube Guys, whoever and wherever you are ;-) Footnote: Youtube used to give a choice of three images, for the "title picture" - and now just one. You must do it yourself - and not an image bigger than 2 MB ! Not difficult with old Paint. I like the one I chose, of June, Michelle, Saskia, and Samantha, at West Dean Gardens, on June's Birthday. Google and Youtube things change - fewer people to employ ? Bring back people ! :)

That's the Youtube description above, including my "rant" about Youtube losing a feature that probably exploited a large network of guys around the World. Yes, I did AI in the late 1960s. Fundamentally simple. Complicated is not Clever :)
Note the power of the Youtube time bar, to peruse content, and indicate particular bits to others - if you know anyone interested in that bit ;-)
e.g. demonstration of Snoopy's Robot Boat in our Games Room, about 4 minutes from start - no "Test Tank" of water in Games Room - yet ;-)
Sorry if you got this more than once, due to my overlapping network of friends.
Take Care

Robin Lovelock

Senior Member
I see I'd neglected this forum vs others like Microtransat in reporting progress, so I'll try and paste in the last one below.
You will see that other things have taken priority, like Snoopy's Solar power - but still no spares based on the 28X2.
BUT that's only a problem if we decide to make the next boat - or this autopilot fails during tests - hopefully not :)

Here's that posting sent yesterday, including the important new "Blog11" ... ( I HOPE links work )

Hi Guys. More progress, including a new & smaller "Blog11" on http://www.gpss.co.uk/rbblog11.htm
with minor updates to the "Snoopy" page on http://www.gpss.co.uk/autop.htm such as link to above.

"Blog11" includes today's good news that those solar panels purchased in recent years ARE OK - I'd forgotten
how dramatically the power increases when the sun comes out ! :)

But it's good that I found those flaws in how I had worked on the solar panels ( that use of fast-glass resin ) and all those other silly faults - like poor soldering ! :)

Also good idea of using a "test rig", to perform a static test here of things like Snoopy's total solar power system, including solar panels, blocking diodes, wiring, etc - and also reliability and life of particular servos. I'll probably put one into the boat that has only had a few hours testing, so it's not a worn out one. Lifetime still only 2 or 3 months ? Relevant suggestions always welcome - particularly on the outstanding problem of the GPS logger.

But, one thing at a time, starting with putting solar panels back on the boat, and TESTING ;-)

Take Care
Robin - and Snoopy ;-)
p.s. Robin's "Contact" page is http://www.gpss.co.uk/contact.htm e.g. for those who fancy a video chat ;-)

Robin Lovelock

Senior Member
Hi Guys. Again sorry I neglected this forum to seek advice: even on the Picaxe 28X2 board, where I'm willing to pay for tested and working spares.

But first see the latest public news where this is one topic: Snoopy's "Blog11" on www.gpss.co.uk/rbblog11,htm

If the link works, checkout the latest stuff, but you may also want to see how you appear under "Who has visited".
I seem to come up as "Redhill" miles from Sunninghill, Ascot - but my neighbour Richard comes up as "Ascot".
It's useful to see if someone has visited a page after it was last changed, at the top.

This may be repeating myself, but, to reduce Grandma being told how to suck eggs, my CV
is public off the "Contact" page on www.gpss.co.uk/contact.htm
--> "RobinsCV" on www.gpss.co.uk/robinscv.htm - links to that military stuff above ;-)

Take Care

Robin Lovelock

Senior Member
Wow! Papaof2 ! Talk about timing :) I just updated www.gpss.co.uk/rbblog11.htm then saw your welcome reply.
Let's see if my attempt below works, and if not let's try http://www.gpss.co.uk/rbblog11.htm
When I clicked on your "Corrected" link, it did not work for me, but I can see that damn comma :)
I did not see any visit from you, just me as "Redhill" and the guy in Korea.
Many Thanks - or as some say in England - Taa Muchly :)
p.s. with Edit - all links above seem to work :)
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