GPS010 operating modes


Senior Member
I recently purchased the uBlox-6 breakout board (GPS101) and it was very easy to get up and running using the example code supplied by Rev-Ed. The active antenna is able to achieve lock indoors and I even had to place it in a almost closed metal cabinet before it would drop-out. Altogether a very well implemented product. I would now like to know if Rev-Ed have plans to provide software examples for additional modes. For example, it would be good to use the option of commanding new gps messages on request, rather than having to handle updates at a fixed rate of once per second. Yes, I could wade through the uBlox documentation to try and figure out how to do it but really would appreciate help from Rev-Ed.


Ex-Staff (retired)
The uBlox-6 GPS module is a third party product so Rev-Ed staff have no massively greater insight into controlling it than any other user would and providing additional examples is equally a case of studying the datasheet and working out the commands to use. I am not aware of any additional examples being planned in the immediate future but I am sure we would do our best to offer advice and help where we can, as likely will other members who are gaining experience of using the GPS module.

I recall there is a means to set the message delivery rates slower than one per second (CFG-MSG?), possibly even means to force a particular message to be sent after disabling automatic delivery (UBX protocol messages?), but we would have to search the protocol datasheet, research and experiment ourselves to discover and detail the how to.


Senior Member
Thanks, I need the 'message on demand' mode because the system under development will have number of serial input channels. I plan to handle one asynchronous input with the hserin buffer but the others serial channels will need to wait until the 28X2 is ready to deal with them. If I figure out how to get the GPS 101 to supply a single GPGGA message on request, I'll post it up.