Can't "save" or "save as"


New Member
As of today, I have not been able to "save" or "save as" without getting a no response message and then crashing, making me lose the created file.
I have reinstalled the software and tried again, but I got the same result.
I am running Windows 8.1 and have had no problems for several years until today.
I downloaded a new copy of the software and reinstalled it once again, with the same end result of not working.
Try saving to a different location (even a USB stick) to try and prove if it is the target media/file or the software itself that is triggering the fault.

Perhaps try checking the associated disk for errors? (chkdsk or Properties > Tools > Error Checking).

Is any other software misbehaving in a similar fashion?
I rebooted and tried again, and now it saved again but I will keep testing. All other software works ok.
I tried it again and the problem has returned. I can load in a previous file and when I go to save as, even before I can rename the file or select were to save it I get the window greyed out and a message saying unresponsive, and then I have to close and the program crashes.
All other programs are working fine and I have done a full check on the system for errors and nothing was found to be out of order
I get the window greyed out and a message saying unresponsive, and then I have to close and the program crashes.
Have you saved any file to another computer, laptop, removable hard disk, backup drive, or similar ? I am wondering if it hasn't crashed but is simply taking a long time to try and find a computer or disk which is no longer attached or connected.
The problem appears to be with my computer, something has changed and will not allow this program to save for some reason.
I copied everything to my laptop and tried it out and all works perfectly on that computer.
Not sure how I can go about fixing the problem on my desktop computer, maybe delete everything connected with the Editor and start again with a fresh install as when I did the install last time I had to use the repair option as there was already a copy on my computer.
I will try doing that today and see what happens. I have all my basic files saved so I won't lose all my work over the years.
In the past, have you saved to an external drive or network location that is no longer available?

I was watching Picaxe Editor in action (using Process Monitor) and noticed that it repeatedly accessed 'recent files'. I'm wondering if it's just "stuck" trying to access an inaccessible device.

The list of Recent files and workspaces is contained in:-

c:\Users\xxx\AppData\Roaming\Revolution Education\PICAXE Editor\Settings\PICAXE_Editor_General_Settings.xml

I can't find a way of clearing the list (other than by editing the file directly). Take a copy first ;)
I will check that out and see if it makes any difference. What I have done is to copy the whole directory and also the program data directory that I save my basic files in and transferred them both to a lap top, tried it out and it works fine. It also was able to find the last files I have been working on automatically.
Has this problem been resolved with a solution?

I now too have this issue. I can't OPEN a file or SAVE or SAVE As. PE6 just hangs and goes to (Not Responding). Clicking anywhere once I try to SAVE, SAVE As or OPEN, I just get PICAXE Editor is not responding. CLOSE or WAIT dialog box.

I have never had this problem in the many years I have worked with PICAXE. This is a major problem for me and is now holding me from progressing with some rather important work.

OS: Win7 Ultimate
i7-3770K, 32GB RAM, 256GB SSD, GTX980Ti

I can OPEN a .BAS file from Windows Explorer and it opens fine in PE6. I can then edit the program and even program to a chip, but the moment I try to SAVE, PE6 hangs.

EVERYTHING else in my entire system is functioning as normal. I haven't used PE6 since late Dec2022 as I have been working furiously to amend some complex PCB designs and now I have this completed and new PCB's in hand, I am back to modifying some of the PICAXE programs and have now unexpectedly run into this issue.

Really hoping the Guru's have this answer. Y'all never failed me yet, don't let me down now Champions!!!

OS: Win7 Ultimate
i7-3770K, 32GB RAM, 256GB SSD, GTX980Ti

That is interesting. There is a possibly related thread (Picaxe Editor won't even start) and one of the few theories at the moment, is that it has been caused by the recent patches to Microsoft .NET Framework v3.5 (3 patches in 3 months).

However, Windows 7 will not have received these patches (unless you know better!) - the latest I can find are from 2013 (In fact Windows 7 support has now ended for everyone - even if willing to pay).
EVERYTHING else in my entire system is functioning as normal. I haven't used PE6 since late Dec2022 ...

Do you have a Backup from before that time - or does "System Restore" list a 'restore point' from that period. ISTR that System Restore was extremely flaky on Windows 7 ... but it has a couple of advantages over a full system backup restore (data files should be untouched and it should tell you which programs will be removed or re-added).

In the other thread, referred to above, I gave some instructions for configuring Picaxe Editor to use Microsoft .NET Framework v4.8. I've attached a .ZIP file to post #33 containing the requisite .Config file.

(Restore it as: C:\Program Files\Revolution Education\PICAXE Editor\PicaxeEditor.exe.config on 32bit Windows 7)
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Do you have a Backup from before that time...

No. And yes it has always seemed to be quite flaky so I have not specifically used it for this very reason. I have used it previously with other systems and found it to be more of a pain than a benefit.

In the other thread, referred to above, I gave some instructions for configuring Picaxe Editor to use Microsoft .NET Framework v4...

I already have .NET Framework v4.8 installed.

(Restore it as: C:\Program Files\Revolution Education\PICAXE Editor\PicaxeEditor.exe.config on 32bit Windows 7)

I have Win 7 Ultimate x64 (Should have previously mentioned x64)
I downloaded and placed your file in the default location PE6 is installed, but it changed nothing.

I will also mention I have not even installed any new software of any kind since before PE6 was working perfectly. I have basically used my PC to modify PCB designs and create new gerber files and really not much else.

This is so aggravating. I think I am now coming up with new four letter words in the middle of cussing at BG and MS and all the BS in between. One can't help but feel this crap is almost deliberate to force people to BUY and PAY yet MORE MONEY and go to the stuff about of upgrading to W10.

Cuss, cuss, tourettes... tourettes... cuss, cuss!!!! :mad::mad::mad::mad:

What was perfectly fine, magically becomes a nightmare.
I'm now at the point of thinking this is not .NET related...

So what else has changed? ...

about the only thing that would affect a group of users (that I can think of) is Virus Signatures.

(unless you all bought the same SSD in a Black Friday sale 5 years ago and they've all failed together ;) )
about the only thing that would affect a group of users (that I can think of) is Virus Signatures.

Have/had already run:
FULL Avast scan - No detection's.
FULL MalwareBytes scan - No detection's.
SFC /SCANNOW - No integrity violations found.
CHKDSK - No file system or bad sectors found.
Wise Registry Cleaner - Apparently found errors and fixed them. (Does this really do anything of value? Personally I am unsure, but I need PE6 working)

But of course... I still have the issues I noted in POST #9 of this thread, because all these scans etc. were done well before coming here looking for/hoping to find a solution.

Thanks for your suggestions all the same Phil.

I'm now at the point of thinking this is not .NET related...
I would also suspect it isn't. Whatever the other issue is that seems to stop PE6 starting, this appears to only affect opening and saving, file access.

The only times I have had long pauses, often very long pauses, and not just with PE6, is when Windows remembers I have used a networked or shared drive, or some removable device, and it is twiddling its thumbs while waiting to see if it can find that device when it can't, and isn't going to.

Windows seems to track opens and saves separately, and may these days be even more fine-grained than that, so one thing may work but another then hangs for ages. Windows also seems to remember what happened in other apps so a delay in PE6 may not be a result of anything done within PE6.

One of the problems is that, once it gets into this pausing, it can be hard to kick it out of it. Opening or saving files in various places will usually have the 'no longer exists' drop off it's most recently used lists.

There can also be long delays when Bluetooth devices have been used, which present themselves as 'we might be here, ask us, and we'll spend ages shouting into the ether to see if what was there is still there before we let you know it isn't' though that shouldn't affect file opens and saves.

The only thing I can suggest is to try an Open, let it hang, show "Not Responding". Don't click elsewhere within PE6 other than keep clicking wait prompts, and seeing if it does eventually offer up the Open dialogue which is expected. You probably don't have to sit and wait for each pop-up, as it's probably still looking in the background. It's perhaps one of those things to try in an evening so you can click as you pass it, leave it be, until you think it's time to throw in the towel.
I don't know why, but Windows makes me think of a huge bavarian woman wearing latex and carrying a whip.
I have tried everything I can think of to get it to save on my Windows 8.1 computer, but it will do everything else but "save" or "save as"
I transferred the very same program files to another computer (notebook) running Windows 10, just copied, not installed and the software ran perfectly and was able to save without a problem. I then installed a new copy downloaded from the picaxe site onto another desktop computer running Windows 10 and that one also works perfectly, so I am thinking that the problem may not be with the software, but something has happened to the computer running Windows 8.1.
Although all other programs that I have run on that machine don't seem to have any issues and can save okay, another problem has popped up and it doesn't seem to be connected but maybe it does. When stating that computer something has caused when booting for the Windows shell to not start and after loading the screen goes blank and I have to bring up task manager to run a program, explorer. After that the computer is working fne. This started happening at the same time as the not being able to save with picaxe. I have not been able to find a cause or solution to this problem either, so my next step is to format the whole system and start again, losing my Windows 8.1 maybe.
I just made a discovery, maybe it will help identify the save problem. I opened up the last file I had been working on and tried to "save to" another folder, but before I could select a folder to save to, the window froze and the program locked up, the only option was to kill the program.
I started the program again and slightly altered the basic file so I could see if the file was saved, so I added a bit of text to a comment.
Instead of using the "save as" in the menu, I clicked on the small disk icon at the top right-hand corner and although nothing seemed to happen when I closed the program and reopened that file, it had saved okay.
I think the 'small disk icon' is in the Quick Access Toolbar, another of Microsnot's clever ideas, not !.

Something really strange is going on. After saving using the icon I have been able to "save as" again a couple of times. I didn't do anything else to change the system in any way. I don't know if the problem is fixed or not as I have only saved it a couple of times, but I was able to save it in the same directory as the original file and also saved it on an SD card as well.
Ok... I have made a slight error in my analysis. I can actually SAVE (Not Save As...). I can open any .BAS file by clicking on the file from Windows Explorer and it opens fine in PE6. I can then make any changes I want to a program and I can upload it to a chip no problem.

What I can't do is:
Save As... - PE6 hangs and goes to (Not Responding)
Open - PE6 hangs and goes to (Not Responding)

If I don't do either of these things, everything seems fine.

If I close PE6 with any PICAXE programs still open in the editor (already SAVEd) it closes fine and when I click the PE6 icon to run the editor again, it opens still with the programs I previously had open and everything is once again normal except Save As... and Open makes PE6 hang.

BTW, MS Word or ANY other program can Save As... or Open files no problem.

Instead of using the "save as" in the menu, I clicked on the small disk icon at the top right-hand corner
The difference is that clicking the icon tells Windows exactly where to save to and what to save as and this side-steps it having to present a Save or Save As dialogue. It's the 'what am I going to present the user with' which is where things are hanging.

What should happen on an Open, Save or Save As is Windows builds a list of disks and directories which you can select from to save to. C: and probably D: are quickly found, but there may be some X:, Y: or '//' which had been used and Windows needs to check if they are still accessible, or even to decide if they should be greyed-out or not when presented. It hangs until it can figure it out and figuring it out can take quite a time if it's no longer accessible.
FWIW - I installed Windows 10 x64 Home 21H2 (19044.1165) into a new Hyper-V Virtual Machine.
  • I enabled MS .NET Framework 3.5 and installed Picaxe Editor v6.1.0.0
  • Picaxe Editor ran without any obvious issues.
  • I then patched Windows 10 to the latest version 22H2 (19045.2604) and re-tested.
No issues found...
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I now have 2 Windows 7 PCs with the same problem, so the only updates are to the Virus Scanner due to Windows 7 being well out of support (PCs are too underpowered to run Windows 10).

The cause of the problem (for me) seems to be the Free version of Avast AntiVirus. The only way I can get PE6 to display the Open dialogue box is to completely uninstall Avast (Only done as a test while disconnected from the internet), as PE6 still refuses to work even when Avast is disabled.
Re-installed the latest Avast and again it breaks PE6.

Looking at the Avast Forum (I'm not a member) shows other people having similar problems with dialogue boxes not working while using the latest Avast update.

Hope this helps.
As a follow up to Jack's post, I was having issues with PE6 hanging while opening. On another thread Phil determined the link to AVAST/AVG. Last night I removed AVG and PE6 immediately worked with no issues. Re-installing AVG resulted in the return of the previous issues. This morning I removed AVG from my computer and replaced it with Bitdefender. I have had no issues with PE6 since. I'm not endorsing or denigrating either anti-virus program but reporting my experiences in the event it is helpful to others using PE6.
The cause of the problem (for me) seems to be the Free version of Avast AntiVirus.
Many thanks for letting everyone know. Avast/AVG also appears to be the cause of the hanging at start-up also reported - though quite interesting how it has affected people differently, exhibited very different failure modes.

These are the worse case scenarios, where something stops working with no obvious explanation, no error messages, leaving people having to guess what may have gone wrong and why.
Uninstalled Avast Anti-virus...

PE6 has now fully returned to completely working correctly.

I can now:
Save As... - No problems.
Open File - No problems.
and of course EVERYTHING else.

After a quick Google search and 20 clicks of all different Anti-virus REVIEW sites, it appears Total AV is the current favorite across the web. I am not endorsing Total AV, nor do I particularly think one AV is better than another and have never used Total AV until now. However, I can now say beyond any shadow of doubt, Avast Anti-virus was indeed the cause of all the drama. 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️ tourettes... tourettes... :sick::mad::sick:

At least now I can finally get back to my much loved PICAXE works of art. #1 Revolution Education RULZ!!!!!! #1

P.S. Thanks to ALL people involved in this thread. Especially Horny Boy Phil 😜 and Jack Burns 🤜

P.S.S. HELLO! Hippy! Terrific to see you still roaming these parts. You're a true GOD around here... They SHOULD PAY YOU MORE 😉
Uninstalled Avast Anti-virus...

PE6 has now fully returned to completely working correctly.

I can now:
Save As... - No problems.
Open File - No problems.
and of course EVERYTHING else.

After a quick Google search and 20 clicks of all different Anti-virus REVIEW sites, it appears Total AV is the current favorite across the web. I am not endorsing Total AV, nor do I particularly think one AV is better than another and have never used Total AV until now. However, I can now say beyond any shadow of doubt, Avast Anti-virus was indeed the cause of all the drama. 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️ tourettes... tourettes... :sick::mad::sick:

I am not using Avast AntiVirus free version, I am using Avast One the paid version and a bit expensive too.
I am having the same problem on all my computers, the first computer was working fine until a couple of weeks ago that one runs on Windows 8.1.
The other two computers a notebook and a desktop are running Windows 10. Maybe Avast did an update at that time?
I tried turning off the protections and it makes no difference, still freezes on open, save and save as. Funny enough, using the dik icon it will save no problem, but not able to save to a different location or change the name of the file.
Avast Free AntiVirus appears to be fixed, it has just updated itself to 23.2.6053 (build 23.2.7961.776) and now the "Save As" and "Open" dialogue boxes work correctly in PE6.

Hopefully the paid version has also been fixed for those using it.
I have the latest editor program and the laptop (win 10 pro 64bit) is fully up to date
I am using Bitdefender paid for version on PC and laptop
Opening editor takes ages to load on the laptop and when saving a file also takes an age, usually with a “this program is not responding” message appearing…. If left it will eventually complete
No such problems on the PC.
You could try creating a new user on the laptop, then logging-in as that user before running Program Editor. This might indicate if it is a System problem, or a user-settings issue.

Are you able to remove Bitdefender (not just disable it) and try Program Editor without it? (I appreciate you may have custom Bitdefender settings)

EDIT: You could try disabling it first....
I completely removed all Avast software and any association on all my computers, to hell with the cost, and all is working fine again on all the computers.
I sent messages to Avast about the problem and what has been found, but no reply.
$189AUD out of pocket, but at least all is working again. Now using Windows Defender, free and included with Windows.