Senior Member
Google has a Big Dog : http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-25395989
And better than I can - Citius, Altius, FortiusNow Atlas can do gymnastics !.
Admittedly BD are not showing us the times Atlas comes a cropper, like Spot did, but there is no doubt that the technology is progressing faster than biological evolution.... Not least that it doesn't break a leg or fall apart on landing. ...
Oh, good: at last! I'm happy to host some prototype testing in my front loungeroom. Mrs IP has been nagging me to paint it for the last two years.Combined with the advances in AI, it won't be long before there is a workforce of human-shaped machines capable of doing physical work that only humans can do today, like bricklaying or decorating a room.
Don't forget the non-lethal crowd dispersing robot: FartiusAnd better than I can - Citius, Altius, Fortius
It is all quite impressive. Not least that it doesn't break a leg or fall apart on landing. And it presumably is quite some weight.
Just imagine that with some way of enforcing what it says, and you have the perfect plot for a scary sci-fi.I'm staying in !.