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    PID Process Control

    Tony: I deal with the same types of problems, so here are some thoughts: 1. PID is a popular "buzzword", but was really developed for analog systems that had "overshoot", had a "spring rate" and needed "damping". I don't remember a lot of my engineering control course (53 years ago) but we...
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    MCP4720 DAC

    That works! Thanks. I did try searching but didn't get the last part. Regards
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    MCP4720 DAC

    Hello: anyone here used an MCP4725 DAC? I need a good DAC I can update every few minutes while the 28x2 PICAXE does other things. Thanks
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    Having trouble with numbers?

    That worked also! Thanks -- David
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    Having trouble with numbers?

    Alan: ok, that is what I was missing. The number of arguments for BintoAscii equals the number of digits. Thanks! David
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    Having trouble with numbers?

    More Info: I am using a 28x2 communicating via I2c bus with a PCF8574T expander to an HD44780 LCD, a 24LC128 EEPROM, a DS3231 RTC, and an MC23008 expander (reading a keypad). All the electronics are working (meaning I managed to find the right addresses and get the hi2cin commands formatted...
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    Having trouble with numbers?

    I was not clear enough. The LCD works fine, and I can send output in "qoutes" that displays exactly what is in the quotes. I just can't figure out how to calculate a number, say 7, and then have the LCD display 7
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    Having trouble with numbers?

    I agree, but I need to understand the conversion of variables to output. I am having the same problem with "sertxd" commands.
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    Having trouble with numbers?

    I am having trouble representing numbers (decimal, integers). For example, I am using some older code by Hippy to bit-bang data to an LCD. The code is: Code: Symbol bitRS = bit8 Symbol bitWR = bit9 Symbol bitE = bit10 Symbol bitD4 = bit12 Symbol bitD5 = bit13 Symbol bitD6 = bit14 Symbol...
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    I'm not sure what the attraction of the MicroMite is. I ordered, and paid for one, plus accessories. I never received anything, nor got any responses to my email inquiries. I cannot find a Micromite website using Google, so assumed they were out of business like so many other cos. It sounded...
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    Download circuit difficulty

    Thanks guys! That did it (connecting the pins D29 and D30 on the board). I didn't think it necessary, since they were connected when I tested with the ohmmeter, but, sure enough, the connection is broken when a plug is inserted. And, as inglewoodpete says, the connection is on the outer pin only.
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    Download circuit difficulty

    This is on a standard breadboard layout. Nothing on the back but the connecting copper busses. The yellow jumper at top left is to ground. The circuit works fine, just can't program with the 3.5mm jack. You might just be able to see the two pins sticking up out of the board from pins 6 & 7...
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    Download circuit difficulty

    I can program the PICAXE fine with the little "breadboard cable adapter", but can't get a PCB circuit to work. I laid the PCB out as in the Manual and the AXE027 manual, tested the connections, resistors, etc. I finally soldered in two hooks to pin 6 and 7 of the 28X2, use the little...
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    28X2 ADC setup help needed

    Thanks hex and inglewoodPete: program works fine now. Interestingly, the ADC on this part seems at least as accurate as my Fluke voltmeter.
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    28X2 ADC setup help needed

    I don't think I understand the adcsetup command for the 28X2, where it is apparently mandatory. I put a varying voltage on ADC13 (pin 26) and run the following: let adcsetup=13 symbol Press=w0 main: pause 1000 readadc10 13,w0 sertxd("Volts=",press,cr) goto main It works very...
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    Need to hire programming help

    It is a fairly simple industrial controller. It has 1 digital input, 4 analog inputs, and 7 digital outputs. There are no clocks, LCD's, I2C devices, etc., at least on this initial prototype. It reads the inputs and decides what to do, then outputs to various transistors which drive the...
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    Need to hire programming help

    Erco: I appreciate your reply. I don't think its a matter of ability -- years ago I developed a number of microcontroller devices and even had a couple commercial (industrial, military) that used the old Basic Stamp BS2 and BS2p40. However, I have three businesses to manage and I simply don't...
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    Need to hire programming help

    I am developing a commercial product, using PICAXE micros initially for testing and prototype. I don't have the time (or maybe the patience at my age) to develop the code, so I would like to hire a contract programmer. I usually use Fivver or Upwork, but I thought this forum might be quicker...