Need to hire programming help

I am developing a commercial product, using PICAXE micros initially for testing and prototype. I don't have the time (or maybe the patience at my age) to develop the code, so I would like to hire a contract programmer. I usually use Fivver or Upwork, but I thought this forum might be quicker. To be clear, this is a commercial venture and I am not looking for free help. The forum advisor suggested I post here. Regards:
I suggest you take a stab at it. No matter what your age, Picaxe is about the easiest micro to use and likewise for Picaxe Basic. TTYTT you need to understand Picaxe Basic and all its features to get the best use of your Picaxe hardware. I don't suppose you live near Los Angeles, I will be doing some robot camps this summer, teaching Picaxe.
Erco: I appreciate your reply. I don't think its a matter of ability -- years ago I developed a number of microcontroller devices and even had a couple commercial (industrial, military) that used the old Basic Stamp BS2 and BS2p40. However, I have three businesses to manage and I simply don't have the time to program devices. I have a PicAxe and the software and I can program it to blink an LED. So if I am sent a program I can load and test it. Just don't have time to program anymore. Regards
It is a fairly simple industrial controller. It has 1 digital input, 4 analog inputs, and 7 digital outputs. There are no clocks, LCD's, I2C devices, etc., at least on this initial prototype. It reads the inputs and decides what to do, then outputs to various transistors which drive the sensors, solenoids, etc. I will provide the math for the micro to calculate values and decide what to do. It spends most of its time sleeping, wakes every second or so to poll the inputs (no interrupts) and then outputs or goes back to sleep. I would like to use the 28X2 part so I have room to expand in future.
Something analogous to this: It reads 17 inputs representing water level switches, salinity monitors, water flow sensors, and temperature monitor, and controls 5 outputs representing pumps.

Or this geothermal controller design:

28X2 Freon Module    
                 *Reset  1 |             | 28 B7 Tank Pump 
     Freon High Temp A0  2 | A0          | 27 B6 Yard Pump 
      Freon Low Temp A1  3 | A1      A13 | 26 B5 distribPump6
      Tank Feed Temp A2  4 | A2      A11 | 25 B4 distribPump5
    Tank Return Temp A3  5 | A3       A9 | 24 B3 distribPump4
                  SERIN  6 |    28X2  A8 | 23 B2 distribPump3
              SEROUT A4  7 |    I/O  A10 | 22 B1 distribPump2 
                     0V  8 |         A12 | 21 B0 distribPump1
                     NC  9 |             | 20 +V 
                     NC 10 |             | 19 0V 
             lcd out C0 11 |      HserIn | 18 C7 Freon Compressor 
      Yard Feed Temp C1 12 |         A18 | 17 C6 Freon Reverse
    Yard Return Temp C2 13 | A14     A17 | 16 C5
                 slc C3 14 | A4      A16 | 15 C4 sda

Or in a somewhat different vein: 29 12V outputs, 256 timed events: 20M2, MCP23017, ULN2803

I have a good bit of code.
Something analogous to this: It reads 17 inputs representing water level switches, salinity monitors, water flow sensors, and temperature monitor, and controls 5 outputs representing pumps.

Or this geothermal controller design:

28X2 Freon Module  
                 *Reset  1 |             | 28 B7 Tank Pump
     Freon High Temp A0  2 | A0          | 27 B6 Yard Pump
      Freon Low Temp A1  3 | A1      A13 | 26 B5 distribPump6
      Tank Feed Temp A2  4 | A2      A11 | 25 B4 distribPump5
    Tank Return Temp A3  5 | A3       A9 | 24 B3 distribPump4
                  SERIN  6 |    28X2  A8 | 23 B2 distribPump3
              SEROUT A4  7 |    I/O  A10 | 22 B1 distribPump2
                     0V  8 |         A12 | 21 B0 distribPump1
                     NC  9 |             | 20 +V
                     NC 10 |             | 19 0V
             lcd out C0 11 |      HserIn | 18 C7 Freon Compressor
      Yard Feed Temp C1 12 |         A18 | 17 C6 Freon Reverse
    Yard Return Temp C2 13 | A14     A17 | 16 C5
                 slc C3 14 | A4      A16 | 15 C4 sda

Or in a somewhat different vein: 29 12V outputs, 256 timed events: 20M2, MCP23017, ULN2803

I have a good bit of code.