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  1. D

    How is EEPROM Data Read Back and Stored in a Text File

    I am using an 18X with an I2C EEPROM. I have the circuit working fine. I read voltage data into the 18X ADC pin and write data to the EEPROM. I read the daae from the EEPROM and verify it works using SERTXD. I received a tip that CoolTerm can be used for receiving data via the serial port and...
  2. D

    Servo Pulsing

    I modified two Futaba S3003 servos for continuous rotations. I was able to get the Pot zeroed on one of the servos. The second servo pulses when trying to zero it out. Is there a hardware/software fix for this?
  3. D

    DS18S20 Sensor

    The help manual states the readtemp command works with the DS18B20 version of the sensor and not the DS1820 or the DS18S20. Is there code for this version of BASIC to make the DS18S20 work?