How is EEPROM Data Read Back and Stored in a Text File


New Member
I am using an 18X with an I2C EEPROM. I have the circuit working fine. I read voltage data into the 18X ADC pin and write data to the EEPROM. I read the daae from the EEPROM and verify it works using SERTXD. I received a tip that CoolTerm can be used for receiving data via the serial port and saving it to a text file. I am connecting to the 18X via the AXE027 USB cable. Has anyone used this software or similar software? If so does anyone have sample code I can try to test the connection? I have been struggling to understand how the software works. Also, not sure if I can read via the sertxd command and serout pin. DO I need to set up another connection to the computer via an output pin and the serout command?


Senior Member
There are quite a few TELNET apps that have a scripting language that allows writing data to a text file.
check out Absolute Telnet and Powertem. I'm sure there are others.

Even some old DOS programs like Telix and Procomm have powerful scripting languages such as SALT and ASPECT that can do this. These actually still work under Windows XP and earlier.

Here is another option that came up in a recent thread. No special software or drivers needed.

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You have an external EEPROM so are you intending to run a "campaign" and then download all of the data at one time?

If so, there may be a very simple solution that does not require any additional software provided the data size does not exceed 2 kbytes.
use the Programming Editor data logger terminal software accessed by the [F9] key (not the F8 key).
In this case once set up and started you have 5seconds max for the PICAXE to start data transfer over the standard programming pins/socket/cable.
Once the PE F9 terminal prog has accepted the data and once there is no data for 5seconds it stops receiving. then use the in uild command to save as a comma delimited (csv)file type which can be imported into MS Excel or other programs for display, cal ulations etc.


New Member
My friend has same request so I write program is Visual Basic 6.0

When you click Start button VB program sends 32 times string "#" and start logging.
Picaxe should listen for that string (SERRXD) and after that go to part where copy everything from epprom to serial port (SERTXD)
VB program listen serial port and store everything in text file with name date_time.log.
Structure that Picaxe should send is for my case: Data,Time,Temperature,Humidity, Sensor ID.
VB program will continue to receive until you click Stop button. If you don't he will work as dataloger.
After you click Stop button file will be closed.

After that you can click Open XML and select log file that program just created (or older log).
Program will create Microsoft Excel workbook with two sheets:
On first will be raw data from epprom
on second one will be statistic data MAX, MIN, AVERAGE...

In attachment you have VB form and project, 2011.04.07_001930.log (sample log file) and 2011.04.07_001930.log.xls (sample excel file)

Without any modification program will create LOG file but if you wish to make Excel you must change fields that read from LOG file.

If have problem uploading ZIP file so you must change file name into to unpack.

