DS18S20 Sensor


New Member
The help manual states the readtemp command works with the DS18B20 version of the sensor and not the DS1820 or the DS18S20. Is there code for this version of BASIC to make the DS18S20 work?


I've never tried it myself but it has always been stated by Technical that only the DS18B20 is supported.

I believe that phanderson published code for the 'S' but I may be mistaken.

The soon to be released 28X1 has full one wire support so, armed with appropriate datasheet it should be possible to do with one of those when they are available next month.


Senior Member
If you go to the PICAXE Group on Yahoo.Com, look at messages in the range of 2441 - 2444. Or simply search the Group using the phrase DS18S20.

P H Anderson