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  1. I

    Download to 08M chip freezes the editor.

    Hi Since upgrading to v5.3.1. I get the following problem. Even with the simplest program in the editor, on pressing "Program" the initial download to the chip works fine. After editing the code, say for the second or third time, the string of blue dots download indicator is filled but...
  2. I

    VSM checking for updates

    Hi How can I stop the message "VSM checking for updates" at PC startup?
  3. I

    Simultaneous pin outputs

    Hello Apologies if this is a daft question! I am playing with the 08M chip and I wondered if I could make two output pins go high at the same time? Nothing in the manual (I think!) So I separated the pins with a comma like this... high 4,2 This seems to work, but does this mean that pin 4 goes...
  4. I


    Hello from a newbie, please be kind! I have found mention of flsh, but there seems to be no reference to it in any section of the PICAXE notes, except for examples... jump to flsh: etc Help! What is it? Thanks