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  1. C

    Sound To Light Converter

    Hi all. I am trying to use the picaxe to convert sound to light... I know I could just use a transistor, but it never works for me... :/ Anyway... How can I read the sound into the picaxe and tell whether the VOL?UME is HIGH, LOW, or MEDIUM? I have an rbg led and want RED to be HIGH, BLUE to be...
  2. C

    Picaxe 08M Porgramming Issues...

    Hi all. I am new here, so if this the wrong section, just let me know. Anyway, I just got a Picaxe 08M and a proto board for it. I assembled it and it worked fine. I programmed it with MY pc first. I later programmed it with my OTHER pc. Now, I cannot program it with MY pc OR my other pc. I have...