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  1. C

    Random Numbers

    Hi guys. I am trying to figure out how I can create RANDOM numbers within a certain range. The first one (w0) needs to be between 10 and 50. The second (w1) needs to be between 25 and 175. Any ideas?
  2. C

    Set a pin high for a second every day...?

    Hi guys. I am planning to make a little project that will activate a counter module every day. How can I set up my 08M to pulse the pin every DAY? ex. main: pause ONE-DAY high PIN pause 1000 low PIN goto main THX!
  3. C

    Picaxe 40X2 Speed/Programming issues...

    Hi guys. I JUST fixed my 40X2 programming thing on the breadboard. I was experimenting with some setfreq things.. So, I set the frequency to k500 and now, I cannot program the chip. I tried to do a few hard resets. I do have another chip if I cant fix this one SOON, but, I would like to know how...
  4. C

    Picaxe 40X2 Keypad Help...

    Hi guys! I am trying to figure out how I can use this ( keypad with my 40X2. Any ideas? I cant figure out what to do... PLEASE.. just a little example code... Any help appreciated. THX!
  5. C

    Resonator Confusions...

    hi all. I am going to be working with a icaxe 40X2 and a 4Mhz resonator. I am confused on this though... do I need any extra code to get the maximum speed out of it or... does it just.. automatically do it?
  6. C

    icaxe 08M lifetime?

    Hi guys. What is the average lifetime of an o8M? I plan to run one for a long time, and.. just want to know. EDIT: Picaxe! Not icaxe!
  7. C

    Traffic Light Timing?

    Hi all! I just finished my first actual project with Picaxe! It is a traffic light. I added some other code to make it more.. interesting. I also used code that wasnt NEEDED in case.. idk.. I just did. To make it more interesting. The problem is.. the timing is a bit weird... Heres the timing...
  8. C

    Overclocking!!!!!!!... ?

    Hey guys, just a quick question... I know that an 08M is capable of 8MHz, but is it possible to overclock it higher than that? Because.. its not much of an overclock if its MADE to be sped up.. like.. my P4 CPU isnt really.. MADE to be overclocked, but I did... You know what I mean by that...
  9. C

    Simple Picaxe Robot

    Hi all, I have decided to make a BOT! I realize that I need to learn more before writing my own interpeter (i spell that right?) or ... other stuff thats WAY too hard for me. :D Anyway, heres my question: If I combine these parts:
  10. C

    Serial Graphic LCD?

    Hi all, I was jsut wondering, how easy would it be to use THIS: with a picaxe 08M? I hope to get a M2 soon, but for now, M. So, how well would it work? There is a link to the datasheet there. Also, can anyone give me a basic idea on how I would work with...
  11. C

    Picaxe "Computer"

    Hi all, I was jsut wondering if it would be possible to make a BASIC "computer" withg a Picaxe 40X2 as the "CPU". I'm thinking that I would jsut use a graphic lcd... if Its even advanced enough to make video like that... I would probably use another Picaxe to process the video.. idk.. I just...
  12. C

    Serin Help?

    Hi all, i am making a little project to learn how to use serin/out to make 2 or more picaxes communicate. Heres the reciever code: init: setfreq m4 goto main main: do serin 1,N2400,("ON", "OFF"),b1 if b1 = "ON" Then high 4 Else If b1 = "OFF" Then low 4 End If loop end...
  13. C

    Hard Reset EVERY TIME in order to program... WHAT?

    Hi all, I am in a big emergency, I have to hard reset EVERY TIME to program it... what is goin on here? What should I do?
  14. C

    InfraRed Detector Not Working?

    I went to radio shack to get a infra red sensor. I got it. I wired it up. I programmed it: #PICAXE 08M Main: DO INFRAIN2 ; wait for and receive the incoming data SERTXD (#infra, CR, LF) ; Pass the data to the PC Terminal prog for viewing LOOP ; loop forever to keep receiving data with...
  15. C

    Tv Display with Picaxe?

    Hi all, I was wondering, is is possible to display.. stuff on a tv using the yellow, 2 wire, coax. cable? I am using a picaxe 08M and will run it at 8MHz if needed. I want to have and use a O8M2, but I dont have one. I know its faster, and thats why. But yea, ... I always wondered how you can...
  16. C

    Picaxe 40x2 Wiring Diagram? Am I not looking hard enough?

    Hi all, I have been looking for a minimal running and programming schematic for the picaxe 40x2. I hope I looked enough, because I never found one. I am planning to get a 40x2 soon and would like to know what else to buy lol... resonator, reset button, reset resistor, whatever else I might need...
  17. C

    Led flash speed project?

    Ok.. look at this code and help me fix the obvious issue. main: do high LED pause TIME low LED pause TIME if TIME < 500 Then inc TIME Else If TIME > 500 Then dec TIME End If loop As you can see, there is a bit of an issue. I want it sto slow down then speed up...
  18. C

    Picaxe 08M Speed?

    Hi all, Quick question.. When i set the speed in options to like 8MHz, it messes up my picaxe. If I use the setfreq command to set it to 8MHz, then will it work? I want a faster PICAXE!!! :D:D:D
  19. C

    Picaxe + Ethernet = Picaxe web server???

    Hi all, I was wondering... is it possible to make a Picaxe host a website? Heres what I was thinking: Pixcaxe 40x2, some ethernet interface, a SD or micro SD card, ..... thats all I got... what do you think? Is it possible? Can I do it? If either of those questons are a "YES!!!" then LEMME NO...
  20. C

    Run 2 Processes at SAME time?

    Can my Picaxe 08M run 2 pieces of code at the SAME time? Ex. Blink an led AND run an alarm system? Also, I spell chedder (my "name") with an E not an A. :D:D Anyway, Let me know if its possible and if so, how to do it. THANKS!!!