Recent content by Kecked

  1. K


    Just checking before I botch myself up. IS VSM and picaxe programming editor able to run in windows8. Any limits because of using windows8?
  2. K

    hardware for midi interface

    I found the attached hardware for interfacing with midi in and out. Can anyone tell me why they use the 7404 hex inverters to invert and then undo the inversion. Is that just to buffer? Why not use the optocoupler on both the input and output? Rename the attachment .bmp
  3. K

    first stab at midi note selector

    Ok here is my first code attempt at midi. The note and octave are read into the adc from a 16 channel sequencer that sequences a set of pots for each channel that select note and octave. The note lenght is a pot to let you say how long a note will be. I will have to tie this to the sequencer...
  4. K

    MIDI Clarification

    Just want to see if I understand MIDI You start with note on which is Decimal 144 followed by the value of the note (0-127) then pause until the note is released and issue note off or decimal 128. So middle C would be HEX 0x90,0x3c",0x80 or DEC 144,60,128 or BIN 1001 0000,0110 0000,1000 0000...
  5. K

    SPI and DAC

    max5541 thats cuz I'm a bone head it's a max5541. I just chose it because it is 16 bit and was a part in vsm with spi. No particular design yet for it so I could change. What I really wanted was the ability to have 65000 or so steps that I could use to get good enough resolution to make all...
  6. K

    SPI and DAC

    Ok so I am basing what I know about SPI off how to make a max 7219 led driver work. I am now trying to use a dac to produce a voltage based on an input from an adc. I looked over wests tutorial and find it complex from what I think I should be able to do so here is what I tried. It didn't...
  7. K

    IF and lookup table limits

    I am doing a music sequencer which requires 88 separate states ie notes. I am using a pot read into an adc that divides the pot range into 12 ranges that correspond to each basic note a,a#,b,c.... I then have a second pot that I do the same thing to that determines which octave the note is in...
  8. K

    changing a whole port bit at a time

    I am using max335 spi switches for a music sequencer. I want to add some leds to show the channel that is on. I can't just tap the channel as the voltage changes from zero to 10v so I was thinking of using an 18m2 that reads the CS and advances as the CS is addressed. Here is what I had in...
  9. K

    16 channel analog voltage sequencer for analog synthesizers

    Skip to end. I had several interations each interesting but the last one was the most useful..... I am building a sequencer based on the 28x2 for my analog synth. I wanted to share what I found to be the best way to sequence the ports. Rather than set the port each time use a for next loop...
  10. K

    max7219 and readadc and DIG command

    Ok so I got talking to the max7219 down and I can send digits to it to display. So I thought ok I'll try reading in a value from an adc and use the DIG command to isolate and display the digits. this another math problem? It won't work #picaxe 28x2 setfreq m16 dirsb = %00010000...
  11. K

    If nesting limit

    I have a set of if then statements that exceed 20 24 to be exact. I am using them to select when sunrise starts and sunset starts. I know I could use case statements as well but can anyone point me to what is meant by a nested IF. IS this a limit to just 20 if statements in a program or how...
  12. K

    PWMOUT not steady

    As some of you have read I am making an analog meter clock. I finally got the clock running and the pwmout /pwm duty working and the seconds meter reads as it should but it jumps at points. Any idea why every 10 seconds or so it jumps a little? fir example it ticks as it should up to 9 then...
  13. K

    almost there

    Ok I finally set my clock and it is running. I can see the time as well (I gave up on the date and day for now) Here is my last issue to solve. The display flashes between the correct time and ??:??:??. If I set the setfreq to M32 I can make out the time inbetween the ??. What I think...
  14. K

    New to Programming and really Really frustrated

    I am trying to do the most simple of to a ds1307 via I2C and read from it. I have the axe033 fitted with the clock chip I set the jumper to I2C. I can send a message to the lcd no problem..... I am using the 28x2 chip as I need 3 PWM from this. (doing the analog meter clock...