first stab at midi note selector


Ok here is my first code attempt at midi. The note and octave are read into the adc from a 16 channel sequencer that sequences a set of pots for each channel that select note and octave. The note lenght is a pot to let you say how long a note will be. I will have to tie this to the sequencer step in some way. Not done yet.

The code just reads the adc's and then first looks a the octave and then goes sub to the octave to selectthe note. It then sends out a serial command to turn the note on at a a certain velocity, wait for the note lenght, turn the note off and set velocity to zero. Do it goes home and looks for the next note. Question is did I setup the HSEROUT data correctly?

There are ten octaves. I truncated them in the post because they just repeat and the post was too long.

#picaxe 28x2

let dirsB = %11111111
let adcsetup = 0

symbol NOTE=		w0							;[C=0-50,c#=75-125, D=150-200, D#=225-275, E=300-350, F=375-425, F#=450-
symbol OCTAVE=		w1							;10 Ocatves[Oct0=0-50,Oct1=75-125, Oct2=150-200, Oct3=225-275, Oct4=300-
symbol NOTE_OCTAVE= 	b5							;final selected midi note
symbol NOTE_ON=		b6							;midi note  on channel 1 0x80
symbol NOTE_OFF=	b7						             ;midi note off channel 1 0x90
symbol NOTE_VELOCITY=	b8							;midi note velocity (0-127)
symbol NOTE_LENGTH=	w5							;note lenght

LET NOTE_ON=		128							;all midi command in decimal

HSERSETUP B31250_8,%10000							;setup serial port to send at 31250 at 8 mhz


readadc10 a.0, NOTE								;read NOTE POT
readadc10 a.1, OCTAVE								;read OCTAVE POT
readadc10 a.2, NOTE_LENGTH							;read Note length pot (might change to reading CS change)


	IF OCTAVE=>0  and OCTAVE<50   Then  goto OCTAVE_zero		              ;select the correct OCTAVE
	IF OCTAVE>75  and OCTAVE<125  Then	goto OCTAVE_one
	IF OCTAVE>150 and OCTAVE<200  Then	goto OCTAVE_two
	IF OCTAVE>225 and OCTAVE<275  Then	goto OCTAVE_three
	IF OCTAVE>300 and OCTAVE<350  Then	goto OCTAVE_four
	IF OCTAVE>375 and OCTAVE<425  Then	goto OCTAVE_five
	IF OCTAVE>450 and OCTAVE<500  Then	goto OCTAVE_six
	IF OCTAVE>525 and OCTAVE<575  Then	goto OCTAVE_seven
	IF OCTAVE>600 and OCTAVE<650  Then	goto OCTAVE_eight
	IF OCTAVE>675 and OCTAVE<725  Then	goto OCTAVE_nine
	IF OCTAVE>750 and OCTAVE<800  Then	goto OCTAVE_ten



	IF NOTE=>0    and note <50  Then LET NOTE_OCTAVE=0 :ENDIF
	IF NOTE=>75  and note <125 Then LET NOTE_OCTAVE=1 :ENDIF
	IF NOTE=>150 and note <200 Then LET NOTE_OCTAVE=2 :ENDIF
	IF NOTE=>225 and note <275 Then LET NOTE_OCTAVE=3 :ENDIF
	IF NOTE=>300 and note <350 Then LET NOTE_OCTAVE=4 :ENDIF
	IF NOTE=>375 and note <425 Then LET NOTE_OCTAVE=5 :ENDIF
	IF NOTE=>450 and note <500 Then LET NOTE_OCTAVE=6 :ENDIF
	IF NOTE=>525 and note <575 Then LET NOTE_OCTAVE=7 :ENDIF
	IF NOTE=>600 and note <650 Then LET NOTE_OCTAVE=8 :ENDIF
	IF NOTE=>675 and note <725 Then LET NOTE_OCTAVE=9 :ENDIF
	IF NOTE=>750 and note <800 Then LET NOTE_OCTAVE=10:ENDIF
	IF NOTE=>825 and note<875  Then LET NOTE_OCTAVE=11:ENDIF

	HSEROUT 0,(NOTE_ON,NOTE_OCTAVE,NOTE_VELOCITY)			;send not on, note value, note velocity
	Pause NOTE_LENGTH						;wait till next note
	HSEROUT 0,(NOTE_OFF,NOTE_OCTAVE,0)				;turn off note set velocity to 0
	GOTO MAIN							;go home and look for next note


	IF NOTE=>0    and note <50   Then LET NOTE_OCTAVE=12 :ENDIF
	IF NOTE=>75  and note <125  Then LET NOTE_OCTAVE=13 :ENDIF
	IF NOTE=>150 and note <200 Then LET NOTE_OCTAVE=14 :ENDIF
	IF NOTE=>225 and note <275 Then LET NOTE_OCTAVE=15 :ENDIF
	IF NOTE=>300 and note <350 Then LET NOTE_OCTAVE=16 :ENDIF
	IF NOTE=>375 and note <425 Then LET NOTE_OCTAVE=17 :ENDIF
	IF NOTE=>450 and note <500 Then LET NOTE_OCTAVE=18 :ENDIF
	IF NOTE=>525 and note <575 Then LET NOTE_OCTAVE=19 :ENDIF
	IF NOTE=>600 and note <650 Then LET NOTE_OCTAVE=20 :ENDIF
	IF NOTE=>675 and note <725 Then LET NOTE_OCTAVE=21 :ENDIF
	IF NOTE=>750 and note <800 Then LET NOTE_OCTAVE=22:ENDIF
	IF NOTE=>825 and note<875  Then LET NOTE_OCTAVE=23:ENDIF
	HSEROUT 0,(NOTE_ON,NOTE_OCTAVE,NOTE_VELOCITY)			;send not on, note value, note velocity
	Pause NOTE_LENGTH						;wait till next note
	HSEROUT 0,(NOTE_OFF,NOTE_OCTAVE,0)				;turn off note set velocity to 0
									;go home and look for next note

	IF NOTE=>0   and NOTE <50  Then LET NOTE_OCTAVE=24 :ENDIF
	IF NOTE=>75	 and note <125 Then LET NOTE_OCTAVE=25 :ENDIF
	IF NOTE=>150 and note <200 Then LET NOTE_OCTAVE=26 :ENDIF
	IF NOTE=>225 and note <275 Then LET NOTE_OCTAVE=27 :ENDIF
	IF NOTE=>300 and note <350 Then LET NOTE_OCTAVE=28 :ENDIF
	IF NOTE=>375 and note <425 Then LET NOTE_OCTAVE=29 :ENDIF
	IF NOTE=>450 and note <500 Then LET NOTE_OCTAVE=30 :ENDIF
	IF NOTE=>525 and note <575 Then LET NOTE_OCTAVE=31 :ENDIF
	IF NOTE=>600 and note <650 Then LET NOTE_OCTAVE=32 :ENDIF
	IF NOTE=>675 and note <725 Then LET NOTE_OCTAVE=33 :ENDIF
	IF NOTE=>750 and note <800 Then LET NOTE_OCTAVE=34:ENDIF
	IF NOTE=>825 and note<875  Then LET NOTE_OCTAVE=35:ENDIF

	HSEROUT 0,(NOTE_ON,NOTE_OCTAVE,NOTE_VELOCITY)			;send not on, note value, note velocity
	Pause NOTE_LENGTH								;wait till next note
	HSEROUT 0,(NOTE_OFF,NOTE_OCTAVE,0)					;turn off note set velocity to 0
											;go home and look for next note

	IF NOTE=>0   and NOTE <50  Then LET NOTE_OCTAVE=36 :ENDIF
	IF NOTE=>75	 and note <125 Then LET NOTE_OCTAVE=37 :ENDIF
	IF NOTE=>150 and note <200 Then LET NOTE_OCTAVE=38 :ENDIF
	IF NOTE=>225 and note <275 Then LET NOTE_OCTAVE=39 :ENDIF
	IF NOTE=>300 and note <350 Then LET NOTE_OCTAVE=40 :ENDIF
	IF NOTE=>375 and note <425 Then LET NOTE_OCTAVE=41 :ENDIF
	IF NOTE=>450 and note <500 Then LET NOTE_OCTAVE=42 :ENDIF
	IF NOTE=>525 and note <575 Then LET NOTE_OCTAVE=43 :ENDIF
	IF NOTE=>600 and note <650 Then LET NOTE_OCTAVE=44 :ENDIF
	IF NOTE=>675 and note <725 Then LET NOTE_OCTAVE=45 :ENDIF
	IF NOTE=>750 and note <800 Then LET NOTE_OCTAVE=46:ENDIF
	IF NOTE=>825 and note<875  Then LET NOTE_OCTAVE=47:ENDIF

	HSEROUT 0,(NOTE_ON,NOTE_OCTAVE,NOTE_VELOCITY)			;send not on, note value, note velocity
	Pause NOTE_LENGTH								;wait till next note
	HSEROUT 0,(NOTE_OFF,NOTE_OCTAVE,0)					;turn off note set velocity to 0
											;go home and look for next note

	IF NOTE=>0   and NOTE <50  Then LET NOTE_OCTAVE=48 :ENDIF
	IF NOTE=>75	 and note <125 Then LET NOTE_OCTAVE=49 :ENDIF
	IF NOTE=>150 and note <200 Then LET NOTE_OCTAVE=50 :ENDIF
	IF NOTE=>225 and note <275 Then LET NOTE_OCTAVE=51 :ENDIF
	IF NOTE=>300 and note <350 Then LET NOTE_OCTAVE=52 :ENDIF
	IF NOTE=>375 and note <425 Then LET NOTE_OCTAVE=53 :ENDIF
	IF NOTE=>450 and note <500 Then LET NOTE_OCTAVE=54 :ENDIF
	IF NOTE=>525 and note <575 Then LET NOTE_OCTAVE=55 :ENDIF
	IF NOTE=>600 and note <650 Then LET NOTE_OCTAVE=56 :ENDIF
	IF NOTE=>675 and note <725 Then LET NOTE_OCTAVE=57 :ENDIF
	IF NOTE=>750 and note <800 Then LET NOTE_OCTAVE=58:ENDIF
	IF NOTE=>825 and note<875  Then LET NOTE_OCTAVE=59:ENDIF

	HSEROUT 0,(NOTE_ON,NOTE_OCTAVE,NOTE_VELOCITY)			;send not on, note value, note velocity
	Pause NOTE_LENGTH								;wait till next note
	HSEROUT 0,(NOTE_OFF,NOTE_OCTAVE,0)					;turn off note set velocity to 0
											;go home and look for next note
									;go home and look for next note