Recent content by greencardigan

  1. G

    Simple oscilloscope for Picaxe work - finally finished! (DPScope SE)

    My DMM window goes like this after I open it the second time. Is that normal? Version 1.0.2
  2. G

    External Counter on 28X2

    Hi All, I'm trying to investigate the possibility of making a chronograph capable of measuring projectile speeds up to 5000 fps. In another thread Hippy suggests using the external counter mode to count a clock signal generated while the projectile is between the two sensors. I'm trying to...
  3. G

    28x2 multiple slots

    I've had my first program exceed the size of slot 0 and have split the main loop out into slot 1. It seems that issuing a hsersetup command only in slot 0 doesn't allow background serial to be received in slot 1. Are there other commands that need to be issued in both slots?
  4. G

    Interrupts issues again

    Hi, I'm having trouble with timer interrupts again with my 28x2. The interrupt code is below. Is there anything wrong with it? I have it set for 100 interrupts per second to do some slow PWM while the rest of my code keeps going. After running OK for approximately 5 minutes, the second_counter...
  5. G

    Alternative RTC for AXE033

    Is there an alternative RTC I can use in the AXE033 module that uses a different i2c address to the DS1307? I have a MCP3424 ADC on an Arduino shield with both address pins pulled low giving the same address as the DS1307.
  6. G

    i2c pullups

    I hope to use two separate modules that use i2c interfaces. Both have 4K7 pullup resistors on the data lines. Should I remove the pullups from one module or will it be ok? I'll probably be using i2cslow.
  7. G

    Sending a newline character from terminal?

    I am trying to test some serial code in one of my projects and need to be able to send some commands to the picaxe. The picaxe is expecting commands which end with a new line byte (ASCII 10) rather than a carriage return + new line. Can I do this from the serial terminal in PE?
  8. G

    Just a suggestion x 2

    1. I'd like to be able to change the width of the panel on the right side that shows the symbols etc. It a pain having to scroll across to see all the text when using long symbols names. 2. I'd like a window showing all the general variables available for the selected chip with something to...
  9. G

    Phase Control IC

    Hi, Has anyone interfaced the TCA 785 phase control IC (or similar?) with a picaxe? Are there any better alternatives than this IC?
  10. G

    Slow background PWM on 28X2

    Hi, I have some code which reads some i2c chips, does a few calcs and sends some serial data to a PC. The i2c reads and calcs could take up to 500ms. This runs in a 1 second loop controlled by the timer variable. I'm not using interupts, just waiting until timer increments before looping...
  11. G

    Serial Terminal - Refresh

    Hi, What does the refresh button do in the serial terminal in programming editor? I have code that sends data to the PC via the programming cable using hserout and sometimes the serial terminal starts displaying semi-gibberish data. Clicking refresh fixes the problem for a while. Any ideas?
  12. G

    SERRXD problem

    Hi, I'm having a serial communications problems with a picaxe 28x2-5v and the serrxd command. I have some code running in the environment which sends a serial command to my picaxe using a usb/serial programming cable and the programming pin. 9600 baud. When this...
  13. G

    i2c 4 channel ADC

    Hello. I have a MCP3424 which is a 4 channel ADC chip and it's on an arduino shield that I recently purchased. Info re TC4 shield: MCP3424 Datasheet: I am trying to write to the...
  14. G

    Linear control of universal motor

    Hello, I have a triac phase controller circuit where I have replaced the control potentiometer with a 500K light dependent resistor coupled to a LED in a sealed tube. I am PWMing the led to change the LDRs resistance and the universal motor's speed. The problem is a linear change in the PWM...
  15. G

    Timer on 28X2 and Timing on 18X??

    Hello :) On a 28X2 I can use the timer overflow interupt to run a portion of code at set intervals. Can I do something equivalent on an 18X without an external timing circuit?