XBEE to control LCD


New Member
I have bought 2 Xbee modules and i have linked them up using the AXE210 boards. They are both working well. I am sending an LCD program from one to another using the serout of a PICAXE

serout 7,T2400,(254,1)
serout 7,T2400,(254,128,"Hello")
goto loop

I know that its being recived because the RSSI LED is on an the Dout pin is pulsing.
But when I link The Dout from the Xbee into the Din of an LCD driver it displays random characters. It dosent look like Hex, so if anyone else has this problem i would be thankful for any help


New Member

I have solved the problem. All that needed to be done was set up the Xbee's to the 2400 baud rate and now i can contol the LCD remotly!