XBEE module connected to mac

Has anyone tried to connect the xbee modules to a mac.

I need to add wireless comms toi a robot which is controlling something with mac msp (not my area) and was wondering if i could connect the modules to it. I am thinking of using the starter boards, in which it says you can connect to pc - using rs232. but if the computer doesnt have rs232, then use the usb adapter. will it work with a mac. i am not intending on using the programmer, just wanting to get the bits out.


Nat Poate

btw i know the example codes shows how to connect to a mac serial port - but the mac doesnt have one, so :( unless, i can get a usb serial mac adapter?


Ex-Staff (retired)
I haven't tried it ( no Mac experience at all ) but it should work. With a Mac USB-to-serial interface it's then the same task connecting that to an XBee as it would be connecting a PC, or it will be if the lead gives out genuine RS232C voltage levels, +/-12V. You'll need to convert that +/-12V down to voltages you can use with an XBee. A MAX232-type IC would be a common solution but there are other methods.

If you can find a Mac USB-to-Serial which uses an FTDI chip or similar with direct 0V/3V3 outputs then you can save the interacing complexity although you may need to add inverters on the signal lines.

You'll find quite an elegant solution for connecting Mac to XBee here -


A Google / Alta-Vista search may turn up other experiences.