Where is the 14?


New Member
I need a few more pins, so it looks like I'll be upgrading to the Picaxe 14, or 14M. I can't seem to find it anywhere, including here, though I do see references to it in the forum. What happened to the 14?


New Member
Home/Datasheets tab/Section 1 - Getting started includes the 14M. Download the other datasheets and replace the ones you have as there are references to the 14M in all of them. Initially it looks less flexible than an 08M but then read the fine print as the pins can be reconfigured into inputs or outputs.


Senior Member
How come you can't find it?

It's in the store. look at:

more precisely at:



Senior Member
Chris - Be aware that there are outstanding issues with serial comms from pins other than the download pins. Rev-ed are working on these problems at present so the stock that the suppliers have could be faulty.


Senior Member
My local supplier here in Australia - MicroZed - will exchange mine on receipt of the faulty units and the invoice. You can only ask. I originally bought 6 which had issues with serin - so ordered another 6 when that issue had been corrected - only to find the second 6 had serout dramas. Now ive got 12 faulty units. Never mind - tomorrows another day.