What programme do you recomend?


Senior Member
Diptrace seems to be rather popular.

I use designspark if I have to do a large schematic and it's on the free downloads page at picaxe.com.


Senior Member
My copy didn't have it either so I added a new component for it. You can do the same or I can upload the component tomorrow.


Technical Support
Staff member
Make sure you also separately download the PICAXE create library. This has lots of components including the M2s


Senior Member
The dual 7-segment display schematic has two seperate displays right next to each other and whilst it's possible to provide connections to every pin, it is a very tight squeeze and confusion arises when the lines come in contact with the crosses that mark the end of each line.

Secondly, why is the touch sensor represented by 'IC' like an integrated circuit?

