What kind memory can use for...


New Member
hi guys:
What kind memory can use for my 28x1 because my program is little bit bigger. and I´dont know what memory use. if anyone know about that and how it work for the Pic will very helpful to me thanks and regards. by the way yeap to my robot :D ;)


Senior Member
You cant get more programming space, but you can move large (preferably static) data into eeprom and read it from there to save the progmem.

Otherwise you need to improve the program, place often used code in a label and use gosub, etc.


Ex-Staff (retired)
If it is only Eeprom data space you are running out of you can use external I2C memory.


New Member
AHH ok the ic2, well it's little bit complicated to me because in country do not sell this product if have another alternative will apreciate :eek:



as already mentioned, the 28X1 (and any other PICAXE) can only have a program which is contained within the PICAXE chip program memory.

The 28X1 also has some internal EEPROM (256 bytes) and 128 bytes of scratchpad RAM plus some other RAM locations. The EEPROM and RAM can be used to store more data but not program.

external i2 EEPROm also is only useful to store more data.

Can you provide some more information about your program versus data requirements. It may be also possible to condense the size of your program at bit to save some program memory space - depending on how efficient you have already been with your program coding.


New Member
:D :eek: :D Snap!! there is eeprom a long time ago is not available on store, thanks eclectic !!!!

Hey Web if I have 256 to write I did spend 81 and not yet finished the program. My idea use the eeprom, is store static data and dynamic into pic. what do you think! :D


What kind memory can be used

:D :eek: :D Snap!! there is eeprom a long time ago is not available on store, thanks eclectic !!!!

Hey Web if I have 256 to write I did spend 81 and not yet finished the program. My idea use the eeprom, is store static data and dynamic into pic. what do you think! :D
Putting a lot of data into an external i2c EEPROM is exactly what I have done.
Have a look at this post (19)

For a program using the PICAXE to save the data to the EEPROM.

Note that smaller EEPROMs say 24LC16 and smaller use only byte addressing and therefore can only have one EEPROM/FRAM device on the i2c bus. If you use a larger memory with word addressing, eg 24LC256, then you can add up to 8 EEPROM/FRAM memory chips.


Senior Member
EDIT: Sorry Westy, I see you have mentioned it...

I see no one has mentioned it yet so here goes. The 28x1 has 256 byte sized EEPROM memory space which is SEPARATE from the 4096 bytes of program memory. So the program can ONLY be 4096 bytes long, regardless of where you store your data bytes. Will it help you then to add an EEPROM memory chip ?


Senior Member
EDIT: Sorry Westy, I see you have mentioned it...

I see no one has mentioned it yet so here goes. The 28x1 has 256 byte sized EEPROM memory space which is SEPARATE from the 4096 bytes of program memory. So the program can ONLY be 4096 bytes long, regardless of where you store your data bytes. Will it help you then to add an EEPROM memory chip ?
Which is why the surgestion to move data to eeprom to save program space is mentioned a few times.

SERTXD("My Long Menu Based System");
SERTXD("Line 2: yadayada");
Will use up alot of progmem, and those strings could be moved to an eeprom instead.


Senior Member
SERTXD("My Long Menu Based System");
SERTXD("Line 2: yadayada");
Will use up alot of progmem, and those strings could be moved to an eeprom instead
Mora99: Very valid argument, did not think of strings etc. That will be best stored in chip 256 byte memory or external on EEPROM.
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