Wearing out a variable


New Member
In my GPS program I'm using B0 to ignore the unwanted data, about 100 times a second, for multiples of 6 hours. So, I reckon every 6 hours I use b0 360,000 times. I have read somewhere that 1 million r/w cycles is a limit. As I don;t actually WANT the contents of B0 I don't mind if it does not actually work, solong as the chip thinks it's working if you see what I mean. After 3 races otherwise the 18X will be dead, unless I change to another variable and then wear that one out too. Perhaps I should poke the unwanted stuff into less useful memory space and should the 'wearing out' become an issue, move up the address ladder 1 bit.

Thoughts people??


Senior Member
Variables are stored in SRAM - which does not wear out (at least not as long as you or your grandchildren are alive :) You are thinking of the EEPROM memory which indeed has a limited write lifetime (though you can read it as often as you like).

variables and peek/poke access the RAM.
read/write/data access the EEPROM.
