vdd to picaxe in simulation appears to default to being powered at 5V?


Senior Member

The Vdd appears to default to 5V when I run my simulation, However I require a 14m2 to only switch on when a switch is pressed as the 14m2 is part of a sub circuit. Please can you tell me how to switch off this defaulting to on. So that the Vdd does not automatically switch on to 5V for the 14m2 picaxe when I run the simulation.

That is not something which I have tried and it may not be possible with VSM or the PICAXE simulation models. This could be a query which is best answered by Labcenter who produce the VSM software.

One option might be to connect an additional signal into the sub-circuit so its program waits after start-up until that signal is asserted.
Hi Hippy

I tried this. The odd thing is that even if you allow the Vdd pin to float on the picaxe it is still powered in the simulation.
That's what makes me think it might be a feature of the way VSM works. It's unfortunately out of my league, beyond my experience level.