Using serout


New Member
I am aiming to run a cdrom stepper motor and have downloaded some code written for a picaxe 28 and a L293d driver. The program is "designed to wait until it detects a serial input on input 0 (pin 17) in the form of three bytes: The first is a qualifier – 85 uniquely identifies this stepper motor – the second is the number of steps – 0-255, and the third is the speed – 0-127 is backwards, 128-255 is forwards" Could anyone tell me how to write the serout command to deliver this input? Thanks loads. Steve


Post the line that recieves the required the data and somebody will be able state EXACTLY what it requires. Otherwise we would need to make assumptions and could well get it wrong.

For example, is your program designed to recieve a single data byte or is it expecting ASCII?