Using i2c Memory and uploading data with serout


New Member
I am developing a data logger for a radio controlled racing car and am having a couple of difficulties that I hope someone can help me with.

Firstly, I am using a word variable to control the memory address to write to, but since this can not hold a number greater than 65535, (64k). I can not see a way of storing data to the higher addresses in the chip I am using, 24LC512, (512k )

The other problem arises when I upload my data through Terminal. It seems that the buffer size is limited so that after about 600 lines of 4 byte variables, comma separated, it over-writes itself from the begining.

This means that I can not get the full data set from the memory chip into Terminal and then copy it into a spreadsheet for processing.

If anyone can suggest a way to tackle either of these problems, I would be very grateful.


also if you are datalogging and saving multiple bytes of data at one time to an EEPROM such as the 24LC512, make sure that you observe the memory paging when writing. If your write to EEPROM crosses a page boundary then in fact the address wraps over and goes back to byte zero within the current page.

typically writing in blocks of 2,4,8, 16 bytes will not cause problems but amke sure you read the datasheet and udnerstand how page writes occur.


Top Boy. Re your second question.

What terminal software are you using. Hyperterminal will handle 64k easily.

If you do not have hyperterminal, (win7), then try "termite". Need to google for it.



Senior Member
Top Boy. Re your second question.

What terminal software are you using. Hyperterminal will handle 64k easily.

If you do not have hyperterminal, (win7), then try "termite". Need to google for it.

There are ways to get Hyperterminal into Win7. Google for this also.