Using 40x2 with the cheap large serial LCDs


Senior Member
I am playing with those cheap two panel serial LCD screens discussed in earlier posts. I have hooked them up to a 08M2 and they work like a champ! I want to use them with 40X2. However, using the same code as with the 08, I get garble with the 40X2. I am using pin B.0. Tried it with several 40X2s and get the same result?

Any suggestions?


Senior Member
These displays. Are you using this code?:
' Therm4.Bas - PICAXE-08M2 (Stable Code)
' Modified 9/22/2011 to enhance finetune routine w/ scaleup values
' Modified 9/09/2011 to add 4-Line LCD display
' Modified 7/10/2011 for PICAXE 08M2
' Illustrates an interface with an NTC thermistor.
' Original prototype by
' copyright, Peter H Anderson, Baltimore, MD, June, '05
' Measures voltage across the thermistor and uses a combination of table lookup
' and linear interpolation to calculate the temperature in degrees C.
' Enhancements by M. Burnette for 08M2 and LCD code & clean-up
' copyright, Mickey R Burnette, Lawrenceville, GA, September 2011
' 929 Bytes / 2048
' NTC is grounded on one side and 10K is used as a pull-up to +5.  
' ADC is at junction, PIN #3 on PICAXE 08M2
#picaxe 08m2
#Terminal off
#freq m4
'#no_data	' REMARK THIS LINE for First Time programming of uC!

' The default power-up operating frequency is 4MHz
' LCD is on port C.1 which is 08M2 physical PIN #6
' PIN #7 port C.0 commonly used for SerTxD is NOT used in this project

SYMBOL DigitC	= B0
SYMBOL WholeC	= B1	' ADVal not needed when TC_100 is calculated
SYMBOL SignFlag	= B4	' N is not need when this is used
SYMBOL Diff		= B5
SYMBOL DigitF	= B5	' Diff not needed when this is used
SYMBOL WholeF	= B6
SYMBOL Fract	= B7
SYMBOL WholeH	= B9
SYMBOL DigitH	= B10
SYMBOL Sign		= B11
SYMBOL WholeL	= B12
SYMBOL DigitL	= B13
SYMBOL ChangeMe14 = B14
SYMBOL ChangeMe15 = B15
SYMBOL Adjustment = B16
SYMBOL AdjMajor	= B17
'SYMBOL table - aliases for word values
SYMBOL SetPoint 	= W9
SYMBOL TC_100	= W10
SYMBOL TempC	= W11
SYMBOL TempHigh   = W12
SYMBOL TempLow    = W13
SYMBOL CLOCK	= m4		' Default 4MHz
SYMBOL BAUD		= N4800_4	' For use with modified (OPEN J3) DataVision LCD
'Note to self: serout on C.0 gives really weird results... eats characters
SYMBOL MONITOR = C.1	' RS232 output on this pin

' Setup frequency for internal resonator

' Initialize Dual 2-line LCD Display
COMMAND = 0 : GoSub DataVision

'Initialize low temperature history
TempLow = 65535

' Bytes 254 & 255 in EEPROM hold SetPoint factor (little endian)
Read 254, WORD SetPoint

'Enable C.3 pullup
Pullup %001000	' If grounded, enter EEPROM/Temperature adjustment mode
Pause 500
IF PINC.3 = 0 Then FineTune
' _______________________ Main Routines Follow _____________________
	GoSub MeasTemp
	If TC_100 = $7fff Then 
		COMMAND = 2 : GoSub DataVision
		serout MONITOR,BAUD,("Out of Range !!!")
		GoSub CalcTemp
		GoSub UpdateLCD_T
		GoSub UpdateLCD_L
	Pause 5000
	Goto Top

	ReadADC10 C.4, ADVal
	ADValHi8 = ADVal / 4    ' isolate the high 8 bits
	ADValLow2 = ADVal & $03 ' low two bits
	' Default= 10542 from Peter's calculations
	' EEPROM default 10512 based on 1% in test circuit
	TC_100 = SetPoint
	' Lookup table range is limited
	If ADValHi8 < 16 OR ADValHi8 > 251 Then	' Out of Range
		TC_100 = $7fff
	End If
	For N = 0 to ADValHi8 ' continue to subtract (walk the table)
		Read N, Diff
		TC_100 = TC_100 - Diff
	' Now for the low two bits, a linear interpolation
	N = N + 1
	Read N, Diff
	Diff = Diff / 4 * ADValLow2
	TC_100 = TC_100 - Diff

	SignFlag = TC_100 / 256 / 128
	If SignFlag = 0 Then
		Sign = " "
		GoTo Positive
		TC_100 = TC_100 ^ $ffff + 1	' twos comp
		Sign = "-"

	' Celsius display
	TempC  = TC_100
	WholeC  = TempC / 100
	Fract  = TC_100 % 100
	DigitC  = Fract / 10	'WholeC "." DigitC
	' C --> F conversion
	TC_100 = TC_100 * 9 / 5 + 3200
	' Farenheit display
	WholeF = TC_100 / 100
	Fract = TC_100 % 100
	DigitF = Fract / 10	'WholeF "." DigitF
	'Digit = Fract % 10
	' Perform high history for Farenheit
	IF TC_100 > TempHigh Then
		TempHigh = TC_100
	' High display
	WholeH = TempHigh / 100
	Fract = TempHigh % 100
	DigitH = Fract / 10	'WholeH "." DigitH
	' Perform low history for Farenheit
	IF TC_100 < TempLow Then
		TempLow = TC_100
	' Low display
	WholeL = TempLow / 100
	Fract = TempLow % 100
	DigitL = Fract / 10	'WholeL "." DigitL

DataVision:	' LCD stuff for Data Vision Dual 2x16 display Firmware 16215-1 S2RB Philco P345A
	;COMMAND = 1	' GOTO Top Display
	;COMMAND = 2	' CLEAR Top Display
	;COMMAND = 3	' GOTO Lower Display
	;COMMAND = 4	' CLEAR Lower Display
	;COMMAND = 5	' Split-Line Filler Characters (16 spaces)
	;COMMAND = 6	' Lower Display OFF
	;COMMAND = 7	' Lower Display ON
	;COMMAND = 8	' Home without Clearing Top
	;COMMAND = 9	' Home without Clearing Lower

	Select Case COMMAND
		Case 0
			GoSub ClearTop
			GoSub ClearBottom
		Case 1
			serout MONITOR,BAUD,($12)
		Case 2
			GoSub ClearTop
		Case 3
			serout MONITOR,BAUD,($16)
		Case 4
			GoSub ClearBottom
		Case 5
			serout MONITOR,BAUD,("                        ")
		Case 6
			serout MONITOR,BAUD,(%00010101,%00001010)
		Case 7
			serout MONITOR,BAUD,(%00010101,%00001100)
		Case 8
			serout MONITOR,BAUD,(%00010001,%10000000)
		Case 9
			serout MONITOR,BAUD,(%00010101,%10000000)
	End Select
	serout MONITOR,BAUD,(%00010001,%00000001)'Upper HOME+CLEAR L1                                    ")

	serout MONITOR,BAUD,(%00010101,%00000001)'Lower HOME+CLEAR L1                                   ")

	COMMAND = 8 : GoSub DataVision	' Home Top
	COMMAND = 1 : GoSub DataVision	' Select Top
	IF WholeC < 10 then
		serout MONITOR,BAUD,(" ",Sign,#WholeC,".",#DigitC,"    Celsius")
		serout MONITOR,BAUD,(Sign,#WholeC,".",#DigitC,"    Celsius")
	COMMAND = 5 : GoSub DataVision	' Spacer
	serout MONITOR,BAUD,(" ",#WholeF,".",#DigitF,"  Farenheit")
	COMMAND = 9 : GoSub DataVision	' Home Lower
	COMMAND = 3 : GoSub DataVision	' Select Lower
	IF WholeH < 10 then
		serout MONITOR,BAUD,("  ",#WholeH,".",#DigitH,"  Record Hi")
		serout MONITOR,BAUD,(" ",#WholeH,".",#DigitH,"  Record Hi")
	COMMAND = 5 : GoSub DataVision	' Spacer
	serout MONITOR,BAUD,(" ",#WholeL,".",#DigitL,"  Record Lo")

	' The wiper of a 10K pot is connected to C.2 and the other ends are +5 & GND
	' The wiper is adjusted until the correct temperature is displayed and the jumper
	' GNDing PINC.3 is removed to lock-in and write the correction factor to EEPROM
	COMMAND = 4 : GoSub DataVision
	COMMAND = 3 : GoSub DataVision
	serout MONITOR,BAUD,(">> Tune MODE << ")
	COMMAND = 5 : GoSub DataVision
	serout MONITOR,BAUD,("(+/-):  ",#Adjustment)
	ReadADC C.2, Adjustment		' New Low Byte
	' If the pot is at extremes for 10 seconds (5 loops) then Inc/Dec the HighByte
	If Adjustment = 0 or Adjustment = 255 then
		INC AdjMajor
		AdjMajor = 0
	If AdjMajor = 5 then
		SetPoint = SetPoint / 256
		Select case Adjustment
			Case 0
				DEC SetPoint
			Case 255
				INC SetPoint
		End Select
		SetPoint = SetPoint * 256
		AdjMajor = 0
	SetPoint = SetPoint / 256	' High Byte
	SetPoint = SetPoint * 256 + Adjustment	' New Word Value
	GoSub MeasTemp
	GoSub CalcTemp
	GoSub UpdateLCD_T
	Pause 2000
	IF PINC.3 = 0 Then FineTune
	Write 254, WORD SetPoint	' Little endian
	COMMAND = 4 : GoSub DataVision
	COMMAND = 3 : GoSub DataVision
	serout MONITOR,BAUD,(">> UPDATED !!<< ")
	COMMAND = 5 : GoSub DataVision
	serout MONITOR,BAUD,("Reboot in 2 sec.")
	Pause 2000

 ' EEPROM locations 0 - 15 not used for temperature scaling
 ' EEPROM loc 254 and loc 255 are for calibration Lo:Hi bytes
  EEPROM  0, (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
  EEPROM 16, (254, 236, 220, 206, 194, 183, 173, 164)
  EEPROM 24, (157, 149, 143, 137, 131, 126, 122, 117)
  EEPROM 32, (113, 110, 106, 103, 100, 97, 94, 92)
  EEPROM 40, (89, 87, 85, 83, 81, 79, 77, 76)
  EEPROM 48, (74, 73, 71, 70, 69, 67, 66, 65)
  EEPROM 56, (64, 63, 62, 61, 60, 59, 58, 57)
  EEPROM 64, (57, 56, 55, 54, 54, 53, 52, 52)
  EEPROM 72, (51, 51, 50, 49, 49, 48, 48, 47)
  EEPROM 80, (47, 46, 46, 46, 45, 45, 44, 44)
  EEPROM 88, (44, 43, 43, 43, 42, 42, 42, 41)
  EEPROM 96, (41, 41, 41, 40, 40, 40, 40, 39)
  EEPROM 104, (39, 39, 39, 39, 38, 38, 38, 38)
  EEPROM 112, (38, 38, 37, 37, 37, 37, 37, 37)
  EEPROM 120, (37, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36)
  EEPROM 128, (36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 35, 35, 35)
  EEPROM 136, (35, 35, 35, 35, 35, 35, 35, 35)
  EEPROM 144, (35, 35, 35, 35, 35, 35, 35, 35)
  EEPROM 152, (35, 35, 35, 35, 35, 35, 35, 35)
  EEPROM 160, (36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36)
  EEPROM 168, (36, 36, 36, 37, 37, 37, 37, 37)
  EEPROM 176, (37, 37, 38, 38, 38, 38, 38, 39)
  EEPROM 184, (39, 39, 39, 39, 40, 40, 40, 41)
  EEPROM 192, (41, 41, 42, 42, 42, 43, 43, 43)
  EEPROM 200, (44, 44, 45, 45, 46, 46, 47, 47)
  EEPROM 208, (48, 48, 49, 50, 50, 51, 52, 53)
  EEPROM 216, (53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 61)
  EEPROM 224, (62, 63, 65, 66, 68, 70, 72, 74)
  EEPROM 232, (76, 78, 81, 84, 87, 90, 94, 98)
  EEPROM 240, (102, 107, 113, 119, 126, 135, 144, 156)
  EEPROM 248, (170, 187, 208, 235,0, 0, 16, 41)
Did you remember to uncomment the #no_data directive when downloading the program onto the 40X2 as well?


Technical Support
Staff member
Lots of changes to be adapted for 40X2


clock = m4 (m8)
baud = N4800_4 (N4800_8)
pullup %001000 (needs changing)


Senior Member
Using a very straight forward code.

serout b.0,N4800_4,(17,1)  'clear top screen

pause 100
serout b.0,N4800_4,(17,18,"Now is the time") ' top line of top lcd
pause 100
serout b.0,N4800_4,(17,192,18,"for all good men") ' second line on top lcd

serout b.0,N4800_4,(21,1) ' clear bottom screen
pause 100
serout b.0,N4800_4,(21,22,"TEXT123456789") 'on top line of bottom lcd
pause 100
serout b.0,N4800_4,(21,192,22,"sec line 12345") ' second line on bottom lcd


Senior Member
Using a very straight forward code.

serout b.0,N4800_4,(17,1)  'clear top screen

pause 100
serout b.0,N4800_4,(17,18,"Now is the time") ' top line of top lcd
pause 100
serout b.0,N4800_4,(17,192,18,"for all good men") ' second line on top lcd

serout b.0,N4800_4,(21,1) ' clear bottom screen
pause 100
serout b.0,N4800_4,(21,22,"TEXT123456789") 'on top line of bottom lcd
pause 100
serout b.0,N4800_4,(21,192,22,"sec line 12345") ' second line on bottom lcd
The reason is that you've specified a clock speed on the baud rate parameters but you haven't used a setfreq command to make the PICAXE run at that speed so the actual baud rate will be 9600 as X2 parts have a default clock speed of 8MHz. Change each occurrence of N4800_4 to N4800_8 and it should work.