Using 2 IR receivers into 08M


New Member
I have one IR receiver working good, going into the Infrain pin on a 08M. I am using a remote control unit to send the codes and displaying the received code on the "terminal" function. I would like to use 2 IR receivers mounted back-to-back (1 pointed forward the other pointed backward) to give a 360deg detection area. I was wondering whether I could tie (dot-OR) the 2 output pins together going into the Infrain pin on the 08M. My concern is both electrical and if both receivers receive the IR code whether that would "upset" the 08M getting the correct code. The receiver is connected as shown in the manual for the Infrain2 instruction. The other possiblity is to run each IR receiver output into an OR circuit or just use one IR receiver and use reflectors of some type to route the IR from the back to the front. The signal from the remote seems fairly strong as I can bounce it off the ceiling and still have it detected. I haven't tried any type of distance test. Thanks for any input.


I can see no problem with just connecting the two outputs together onto one input pin as they are open collector type outputs. If both get the IR signal, then both will pull-down together. If one sees a reflection, the time difference (speed of light) will be too small to have any effect.
Try it.
Please let us know how you get on.


New Member
Well B_B, I tried it and IT WORKS. I covered one receiver and got the code I sent, then other and got the code, then both uncovered and aimed the remote control so both would get the signal and got the code. I am going to make up a more permament circuit with LEDS as an indicator instead of having the download cable connected and do some distance testing. Thanks for the response.


New Member
I have also tested this previously and found it worked. I found I needed 3 sensors to guarantee coverage since the receive sensitivity pattern (from manufacturer's datasheet) was well under 180 degrees at widest point.
