USB to D9 RS232 download cable

I need to use my trusty old school USB to RS232 cable on a Dell running WIN7 64 bit.
Can anyone tell me where to find a driver for it that will run on a 64 bit?


Senior Member
You're probably going to have to figure out what chipset is in the cable so that you can look for a driver. If you look in the properties of the device in device manager, it should tell you the vendor ID so maybe you can find a driver from that.
Hmmm May not have explained the circumstances, oops!:
This is the genuine Picaxe cable that has worked on my old PC since 2005, and on the current PC until it last rebuild following getting a bug & rebuilding, but now won't.
BTW if anyone knows the Picaxe P/N for this it may assist locating drivers.
