usb cable


Sorry to be a useless.

I jumped the gun and plugged my shiny rev ed usb to 3.5mm cable into my win 7 professional laptop. Im in a hole with it for a couple of hours.

I put the driver in off the rev ed site. When I plug the lead in - I get the cant find the driver message.

The cable shows up in the 'Other Devices' part of the control panel. It has a yellow triangle on it with exclamation mark in.

If I click this the driver is stated as being not found or available.

Id guess the Driver DL goes somewhere where my windows driver search doesn't look.

Ive use serial leads on XP with no issue..

Is win 7 professional not supported or am I just a useless.



Did you download and follow the instructions for installing on Windows 7 ?

I didn't the first time. Then I did. Ive tried a lot now.

The closest Ive had was by manually DL the drivers - making a new folder and putting the driver content into that folder and then browsing to that from the driver install box.

All 3 of the laptop usb ports respond with installing driver and then the result says "

axe027 usb ok or something like that and a green tick

USB Serial " " " " and a red tick no driver found "

When I run logicator it says there is no usb cable detected
I look in select PIC menu the port' tab I cant open device manager with the button, the refresh don't refresh, and the scan for USB cables get a cant find usb cable connected.

USB Help starts the loop again.

All of the usb ports respond with a twang sound on cable entry and a similar 'dung' when u unplug.

Ive had enough for today. My advise is don't try this on win 7 professional. Especially with me at the controls !



Technical Support
Staff member
As explained in the datasheet, you must repeat the process twice, once for AXE027 PICAXE USB and once for 'USB Serial Port'. You are only half way at present, right click over 'USB Serial Port' and install the driver (same location as AXE027 USB) and all will start working.


Ex-Staff (retired)
The two things to ensure for manual installation are -

1) That the files are extracted from the downloaded .zip to a separate directory on disk. If not the files may appear to be seen by Windows Explorer but not by Device Manager.

2) When pointing device manager to the extracted directory, the top level directory is selected; the one containing the 'amd64' and 'i386' sub-directories.

Also note that the installation is a two-step process. If the second step is not completed then there will be issues in accessing the installed AXE027 cable.


Thanks fellas got it now. I wasn't reading it properly, I assumed it was semi automatic and it all got messy.

3Hours of idiot must get the titty prize, S