Trouble Using Switches to Change an OLED Screen...


New Member
Good Day Everyone,

I recently started playing with an Axe133 OLED, with the help of a few kind members of this site I managed to do quite a lot of what I was hoping to do, however I am having a problem now with changing from one screen to the next using push buttons.

I can see what the problem is, I just can't think of a way how to resolve it. I am assuming that whatever time I put in for my sentence on the screen to show for is effecting when the button I press is registered, as I have to hold it for that time before it does anything. Is there a way to be able to press a button that will automatically change to another screen, I have tried everything and have hit a brick wall, any assistance would be greatly appreciated, thank you in advance. Please see below what I have so far...

#picaxe 20x2
symbol oled=b.7 ;the pin the data line to the OLED screen is on
symbol baud=N2400 ; the baud rate you send data to the screen
symbol home=128 ;leftmost position of line 1 of display
symbol base=192 ;leftmost position of line 2 of display
Symbol Left = pinB.6
Symbol Right = pinB.1

serout oled,baud,(254,1): pause 30;clear OLED display
serout oled,baud,(254,home,"Home ");there are only 16 characters on each line
serout oled,baud,(254,base,"Page 1 ");there are only 16 characters on each line
if Left = 1 then
goto SecondScreen
goto homescreen

serout oled,baud,(254,home,"welcome to ");there are only 16 characters on each line
serout oled,baud,(254,base,"Enter Back");there are only 16 characters on each line
pause 1000
if Right = 1 then
goto homescreen
serout oled,baud,(254,home,"Page 1 please");there are only 16 characters on each line
pause 1000
if Right = 1 then
goto homescreen
serout oled,baud,(254,home," Press Enter ");there are only 16 characters on each line
pause 1000
if Right = 1 then
goto homescreen
goto SecondScreen

end; end of program statements


Ex-Staff (retired)
What you probably need to do is divide those 1000 millisecond pauses into smaller periods, say 100 milliseconds, and keep checking if the button is pushed ...

pause 1000
if Right = 1 then
  goto homescreen
becomes ...

for b0 = 1 to 10
  pause 100
  if Right = 1 then
    goto homescreen