Traffic lights


New Member
i have designed my younger brother a set of traffic lights which do several things:

1: normal road traffic lights + crossing lights
2: two green race warm up lights
3: 5 seguensed lights - two settigns
counts laps via 2*7 segment display
coumts down after having the amount of laps set

it is controles by a four position rotary switch and a push to make, the prblem seems to be tnhe four position switch wich is cinnected to the porta inputs. ihave dicovered that it only reads them succsefuly backwords (3,2,1,0) and not the other way but it doesn't always read the programme as i intended it seems to get stuck in an infinitive loop even though it missies the bit when it is told to go back to main and check the inputs it seems to have something to do with the order the switches are read in, any ideas?
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