Thread reply leads to never never land


Why is it that when I am logged into the forum and reply to a thread - maybe 5 minutes of typing - and then hit submit that I get asked to log in again and then when logged back in I get shunted to never never land and my 5 minutes of typing is all gone?

I'm slow to learn but it has happened several times. The work around is to type the reply, copy it, get booted out, log back in, reopen the thread, paste the reply in again and resubmit it... :confused:


Senior Member
Haven't seen it happen in 5 minutes, but after about 15 minutes (approximately), the forum does lose track of you. You'll have to time yourself - that "5 minutes" when you're thinking and typing a reply can easily be 20 minutes or more (been there, done that).



Senior Member
What browser are you using?

I have had to re-sign in before in IE but it went straight back to the message which was still there. Now, I use Chrome and have checked the "remember me" button, so I don't need to re-sign in.


I seemed to have that problem more when replying to PMs, though it happened a couple of times on Forum.
I tried clearing cache, made no difference. I have use IE7 and Firefox, made no difference.

I usually type in Notepad and cut'n'paste.
Annoying, but I'm not going to lose too much sleep over it.

(One of the other reasons for typing in Notepad is the annoying habit - on this PC - of IE7 dropping characters as I type. Neither Firefox, nor IE7 on the other PCs have this fault. None of the suggestions made by any nerdperts has solved it).



I'm using IE - the latest version IE7, I think.

I'm sure it hasn't been longer than 15 minute.

When I log back in it does not take me back to the post or post reply, it leaves me with a blank page and refreshing, backing up, or going forward doesn't help.

How do you clear a browser cache?

Dippy - good idea to use notepad...



OK, cache cleared, remember me box checked.


We'll see what happens with future posts (and this one)


New Member
It times out on me too but will go right back when I reenter the name and PW (which the browser remembers) Fire Fox 2.0, scripting enabled, cookies enabled, for the site, and referrer disabled globally.


It seems that checking the remember me box has significantly helped from even simple things like losing the connection. Hopefully that will also redirect me away from never never land and send me back to the post. But, I'll either copy before submitting or take the notepad route in future for the longer replies.
