the duck


Senior Member

thanks eclectic,
not got a schematic yet i'll work on it. my code is always evolving here's what i got so far
; *******************************
; ***** Sample Header File  *****
; *******************************
;    Filename:      Qduck		
;    Date:            10/6/12		
;    File Version:  001.1	
;    Written by:    jinx	
;    Function:        autonomous roving bot		
;    Last Revision:
;    Target PICAXE:20x2	
; ******************************* 

#picaxe 20x2

'**********floor sens**************************
symbol olsens = 7 
symbol lsens  = 8
symbol rsens  = 3
symbol orsens = 9 

symbol rgtvalue = b9
symbol lftvalue = b8
symbol OLvalue  = b7
symbol ORvalue  = b6

symbol oldrtval = b14
symbol olsetval = b18
symbol lsetval  = b15
symbol rsetval  = b16
symbol orsetval = b17

'****** srf005 ******************************
symbol ping  = b.1           ' Define output pin for Trigger pulse
symbol echo  = c.0            ' Define input pin for Echo pulse
symbol range = w10 

symbol caution = 20 
 '***** servo control ***********************
  '  pan servo
symbol pan = b.2
symbol rgt = 210
symbol cen = 150
symbol lft = 80

 '***** tilt servo **************************
symbol tilt  = b.0
symbol T_up  = 110
symbol T_dwn = 190
symbol Tcen  = 155

'          drive setting                                    

symbol l_back_slow = 153
symbol l_back_fast = 200
symbol l_off = 148
symbol l_forward_slow = 141
symbol l_forward_fast = 128

symbol r_back_fast = 95
symbol r_back_slow = 130
symbol r_off = 141
symbol r_forward_slow = 155
symbol r_forward_fast = 220

symbol r = b.4
symbol l = b.3

symbol delay = 1000
symbol delay1 = 500
symbol led = c.5

symbol counter = b1

init:servo pan,cen
     servo tilt,tcen
     servo r, r_off
     servo l, l_off
     pause 30
       gosub setsens
  pause 1000
        high led                                  ' floor led
         for b1 =lft to rgt step 2
         servopos pan,b1
          readadc rsens,rgtvalue
          readadc lsens,lftvalue
      if rgtvalue < rsetval then gosub flturn
       if lftvalue < lsetval then gosub  frturn
          pause 10
          pulsout ping,2                 ' produce 20uS trigger pulse (must be minimum of 10uS)
          pulsin echo,1,range                ' measures the range in 10uS steps
         pause 10                           ' recharge period after ranging completes
     let range = range * 10 / 58 
       	if range > caution then
	gosub allclear                        'if nothing ahead, drive forward
	gosub direction                        'if obstacle ahead then decide which way is better
	end if
                    ' now convert range to cm (divide by 5.8) or inches (divide by 14.8) 
        next b1
       for b1 =rgt to lft step -2
       servopos pan,b1
       readadc rsens,rgtvalue
       readadc lsens,lftvalue
      if rgtvalue < rsetval then gosub flturn
       if lftvalue < lsetval then gosub frturn
       pause 10
       pulsout ping,2                     ' produce 20uS trigger pulse (must be minimum of 10uS)
       pulsin echo,1,range                  ' measures the range in 10uS steps
       pause 10                            ' recharge period after ranging completes
       let range = range * 10 / 58          ' now convert range to cm (divide by 5.8) or inches (divide by 14.8) 
       if range < 10 then gosub rgt90 
        	if range > caution then
	gosub allclear                        'if nothing ahead, drive forward
	gosub direction                        'if obstacle ahead then decide which way is better
	end if  
	next b1 

allclear: 'drive forward
       servopos r, r_forward_slow
       servopos l, l_forward_slow


	gosub allstop  

	gosub llook                  'look to lft side
	pause 30 
	pulsout ping,2               'produce 20uS trigger pulse (must be minimum of 10Us)
	pulsin echo,1,range          'measures the range in 10uS steps
	pause 20                     'recahrge period after ranging completes
	let range = range*10/58         ' multiply by 10 then divide by 58
	w2 = range

	gosub allstop
		servopos pan,cen

	gosub rlook                   'look rgt side
	pause  30 
	pulsout ping,2              'produce 20uS trigger pulse (must be minimum of 10Us)
	pulsin echo,1,range         'measures the range in 10uS steps
	pause 20                    'recahrge period after ranging completes
	let range = range*10/58 ' multiply by 10 then divide by 58
	w3 = range

	gosub allstop
     	servopos pan,cen
     	if w2<caution and w3<caution then
	gosub bck
	gosub decide
	end if
	if w2<w3 then
	gosub rturn
	gosub lturn
	end if 
         pause 30
         servopos l, l_off
         servopos r, r_off
         pause 30
         gosub bck
         pause 30
         gosub lft90
         pause 30
         servopos l, l_off
         servopos r, r_off
         pause 30
         gosub bck
         pause 30
         gosub rgt90
  pause 30
         servopos l, l_off
         servopos r, r_off
         pause 30
         gosub bck
         pause 30
         gosub lft180
         servopos r, r_off
         servopos l, l_off
         pause 30
         servopos l,l_back_slow
         servopos r,r_forward_slow
           pause delay
          servopos r, r_off
          servopos l, l_off
          pause 30
           gosub bck
         pause 30
          servopos l,l_back_slow
          servopos r,r_forward_slow
          pause 4900

         pause 30
         servopos l, l_off
         servopos r, r_off
         pause 30
         gosub bck
         pause 30
         gosub rgt180
       servopos r, r_off
       servopos l, l_off
       pause 30
       servopos l,l_forward_slow
       servopos r,r_back_slow
       pause delay
         servopos r, r_off
         servopos l, l_off
         pause 30
         servopos l,l_forward_slow
         servopos r,r_back_slow
         pause 4900

      servopos pan,lft
      pause 300
rlook:servopos pan,rgt
      pause 300	
        servopos r, r_back_slow
       servopos l, l_back_slow 
       pause 1000
     	   servopos r, r_off
         servopos l, l_off
         pause 30

          sertxd("sensing floor",13,10)
          high led
     for counter = 1 to 3
       pause 500
        readadc lsens,lsetval
        readadc olsens,olsetval
        readadc rsens,rsetval
        readadc olsens,olsetval
          next counter
          rsetval = rsetval - 10
          lsetval = lsetval - 10
          olsetval = olsetval - 10
          orsetval = orsetval - 10
         pause 100
the floor sensor routine needs a auto reset routine putting in hav'nt worked that bit out yet. I had such a grin on my face for day when i got that working.


Senior Member
Jinx: the duck is FABULOUS! Great motion and your pan & tilt really adds some lively animation. Love it. A++++!


Senior Member
a black billed duck: update of a DUCK
The duck has evolved to use a PICAXE 28x2 " needed the extra IO pins to add an ERF module, light following also the extra ldr going to be used to set an auto calibration routine when i got the pennies " I've also got my head around setting the Interrupts and using the internal pullup on b.0,b.1,.b.2 for the bumper switchs.
The DUCK also got abit of colour I used acrylic based paint " Acrylic on plastic you say " the Acrylic will dry and stick to plastic but easily scratched off thats why i painted the underside of the plastic. Using the Acrylic this way means that it can almost be peelled of if i wont to change the colour scheme in a month or so. The ERF mount to-be on the other hand was painted then sandwiched in-between the plastic before cutting " it ain't never coming off " . Just waitng too see if the pigments fades.
Now i get to play around with programming

duck piant 2 001.JPG


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Senior Member
more of an experiment than an update, playing with the idea ir remote to the duck in the past i used a serial 08M to the 28x2 worked well, this time I added the ir receiver the receiver directly to the 28x2 the duck went into a "spin". for half a day i was vexed so being I then placed the ir into a subroutine i turned the servo's off received the ir cmnd as thats where the timing conflicts were between ir and servo's "that's what am guessing at" so received the cmnd reanabled the servo's as the code returned the main programme and only looked for the ir cmnd at the end of the main code,
it's not a good solution but it works,
#picaxe 28x2

' Converted by X2 Conversion Wizard Version 2.0.5 (2010r4.1)

let dirsB = %11111111
let adcsetup = 0

; *******************************
; ***** Sample Header File  *****
; *******************************
;    Filename: Qduck slot3
;    Date: 	10/6/12
;    File Version: 001.1
;    Written by: 	jinx
;    Function:  autonomous roving bot
;    Last Revision:
;    Target PICAXE: 20x2
; *******************************

 '***** servo control ***********************
  '  pan servo
symbol pan = b.4
symbol rgt = 210
symbol cen = 150
symbol lft = 80

 '***** tilt servo **************************
symbol tilt  = b.5
symbol T_up  = 120
symbol T_dwn = 190
symbol Tcen  = 155

'          drive setting

symbol l_back_slow = 153
symbol l_back_fast = 200
symbol l_off = 148
symbol l_forward_slow = 141
symbol l_forward_fast = 128

symbol r_back_fast = 95
symbol r_back_slow = 130
symbol r_off = 141
symbol r_forward_slow = 155
symbol r_forward_fast = 220

symbol r = b.6
symbol l = b.7

symbol delay = 1000
symbol delay1 = 500
symbol led = c.1

symbol infra = b1

 main: do
   servo r, r_off
     servo l, l_off
     pause 20
 select case infra
	case 1
		gosub allstop
  	case 2
  		gosub lft90
	case 3
		gosub bck
	case 4
		gosub allstop
	case 5
		gosub fward
	case 6
	 	gosub rgt90

	end select
gosub getdata

      low b.6
      low b.7
      irin C.4, infra    ;wait for new signal
      pause 10

fward:  sertxd(" forward   ",13,10)
       servopos r, r_forward_slow
       servopos l, l_forward_slow
       pause 1000


         sertxd(" lft90  ",13,10)
         servopos r, r_off
         servopos l, l_off
         pause 30
         servopos l,l_back_slow
         servopos r,r_forward_slow
             pause 2200


   lft180: sertxd(" lft180 ",13,10)
          servopos r, r_off
          servopos l, l_off

          pause 30
          servopos l,l_back_slow
          servopos r,r_forward_slow
          pause 4900


    rgt90: sertxd(" rgt90  ",13,10)
          servopos r, r_off
         servopos l, l_off
         pause 30
         servopos l,l_forward_slow
         servopos r,r_back_slow

        pause 2200


   rgt180:  sertxd(" rgt180  ",13,10)
         servopos r, r_off
         servopos l, l_off
         pause 30
         servopos l,l_forward_slow
         servopos r,r_back_slow
         pause 4900


 bck:   sertxd("   bck    ",13,10)
        servopos r, r_back_slow
       servopos l, l_back_slow
       pause 1000


allstop: sertxd(" allstop  ",13,10)
     	   servopos r, r_off
         servopos l, l_off
         pause 30

the codes worst than the video any ideas how i can improve it be glad too here.


Ex-Staff (retired)
Looking at the code it seems you wait forever for an IR command and that will likely cause problems if one is not received. Perhaps adding a simple timeout will resolve things ? How were you doing it when not connected directly ?


Senior Member
Perhaps adding a simple timeout will resolve things ?
The first test code I tested was
symbol infra = b1
irin [1000,main],C.4,infra 
   select case infra
	case 1
		gosub allstop
  	case 2
  		gosub lft90
	case 3
		gosub bck
sent the duck into a spin, removed the irin command the servo's was fine,when I put the irin into a subroutine then sent the servo's pin low got the irin cmd in.
How were you doing it when not connected
knowing that irin can compete for the timers that the servo's so I built a serial ir recieverirsender2 001.JPGirsender2 003.JPGsome time ago now and basicly 08m2 sits waiting for an input then the 08m2 then flags a pin on the 28x2 when ready send a byte. then the 28x2 used the " select case "
but am looking to use the hserin/out to the in the background if i finally add ir to the duck holding out for erf for communication for future builds


Senior Member
Well I used the IR peripheral device and sent the ir cmnds from the 08m sent serial to the 28x2, works well, that thing that appears to be a remote is infact a "ghost indicater" or will be in a couple of days for now it doubles as a remote!. The range is'nt great will build another soon for futher range.

I like the use of the IR peripheral because does away with the timing issue between the servo's an the IRIN cmnds
my test code :

     servo pan,cen
     servo tilt,tcen
     servo r, r_off
     servo l, l_off
     pause 30
  pause 1000
  pause 100
  if irflag = 1 then gosub getdata
							' so go get it
		select case cmnd				' and move accordingly
			case 1
				gosub allstop
			case 2
				gosub T_rgt
			case 3
				gosub bck
		'	case 4
		'		gosub rgt90
			case 5
				gosub fward
			case 6
				gosub T_lft	
		end select

 '########### subroutines ###############
  pulsout toir,5
  serin fromir,n2400_8,cmnd
   pause 20

      servopos r, r_forward_slow
      servopos l, l_forward_slow

      servopos l,l_back_slow
      servopos r,r_forward_slow

       servopos l,l_forward_slow
       servopos r,r_back_slow


     servopos r, r_back_slow
     servopos l, l_back_slow

   servopos r, r_off
      servopos l, l_off
I think using this method adds for an overall smooth transitions in movement and directions without the stop to look to see if a new signal recieved .


Senior Member
I've been adding touch " a touchy duck " using a 14m2 to detect the touch then send a cmnd to the master picaxe similar to the ir remote setup.
still very much early development of the idea. I observed that where i put the hot glue into the tube to hold it in place I get much higher reading in the touch. The code is rough " as usual " will post soon.

; *******************************
; ***** Sample Header File  *****
; *******************************
;    Filename: 		
;    Date: 			
;    File Version: 	
;    Written by: 		
;    Function:		
;    Last Revision:
;    Target PICAXE:	
; ******************************* 

#picaxe 18m2
#com 3

symbol cmnd = b14
symbol junk= w10

symbol toduck   = c.6
symbol fromduck = c.7

symbol trsens = w3
symbol tlsens = w5
symbol    lts = b.7
symbol    rts = b.6

symbol  delay = 100

init: pause 100
      gosub setTsens
      pause 100
     touch16 rts,w3
         if w3 > w1 then 
          let cmnd = 20
         gosub senddata
       pause  10 
     touch16 lts,w5
         if w5 > w2 then 
          let cmnd = 10
         gosub senddata
       pause  10 

        pause 10
    	high toduck										' tell MP that data is available
	pulsin fromduck,1, junk				                         ' junk is junk; we're just waiting
	low toduck										' prepare to send data
	serout toduck,N2400_4,(cmnd) 
	pause 10
         let cmnd = 0
         touch16 b.6,w1                         'set right sensor
          let w1 = w1 + 150
           pause 10
         touch16 b.7,w2                         'set left  sensor
          let w2 = w2 + 200
          pause 10
some test code I been working on thinking of adding " drawing pin " each time it triggers the program will jump to " setTsens" and hopeful it will stop false triggers on the other sensors when the room temperture increases
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Senior Member
quick update,
Well the touch is going fine made a board that takes care of the touch and infra-red inputs the final version uses a 18m2 for six T inputs and the ir again it sends via serial comms.the touch mod 001.JPG
here's a quick vid turning in circle's it's just a test:


Senior Member
Very good video Jinx, the duck looks to be very substantial.

I couldn't make head or tail of your circuit in post 12, which is entirely down to to me, but I did notice that following the positive and negative leads from C1 and C2 to the bottom of the diagram, as shown, they both end up at a ground symbol. That can't be quite right, can it?

Perhaps I have missed or misread something? still a great project though.


Senior Member

but I did notice that following the positive and negative leads from C1 and C2 to the bottom of the diagram, as shown, they both end up at a ground symbol
paix not sure i follow the schematic could have been better " AM at chapter 2 of the designspark manual the symbols of the bottom is the ground"right" and battery input on the left. Both c.2 and c.5 are the pins on the master picaxe 28x2, The one mistake I 've seen in the layout for the bi-led it's connected to b.3 and b.0 not the ground as indicated "had no tipex".


Senior Member
I'll buy that Jinx, but at the bottom of the diagram I managed to see two Ground connections. I now accept that the one on the left was supposed to be a positive battery connection, but, and please feel free to ignore or correct me as necessary - it's really quite minor :)

They look startlingly similar unless looked at particularly carefully as the one on the left looks like a crook Ground connection, but as a battery symbol, it should be connected to something on the other end, or at least have a stubby bit of lead from the negative end for it to be a battery symbol. Putting diagrams on their side so that the orientation is non-standard doesn't help either. As I said, it's minor and certainly doesn't detract from a lovely project. Just confuses the bejesus out of me from time to time.

Probably best to ignore me :)