Thanks for the DTMF help

Hey everybody thanks for the help with the dtmf encoder. I plan to try to make my first circuit board for it. I've posted some pics of how the robot looks so far. The base is an old rc hobby and the board on it right know is called an oopic. To send data back long distances I plan to use the picaxe and the dtmf chips to make a sort of dtmf black box. So what ever serial data i send in to it will come out the other box i will have at my base station or what ever.

Ok pictures. First sorry about the pictures I know they look terrible I'll try to steal someones camera to get some pretty pictures. Well as you prob all ready know the tin can shaped object on the servo turret is a ultrsonic sensor.The black box next to it is a tiny camre It has a audio channel on it so i may send the dtmf tones down that. The wires coming from the back is a ir sensor so i wont or it will back up into anything.

Well thats pretty much it Thanks for the help so far ,

