Strange behaviour with servo

rob nash

Senior Member

Am still exploring the use of servos using techs factory modified servos for continuous rotation for a differential drive system and a micro servo for panning an srf005. Am using a picaxe 20 x 2 am using a program that is put together from the forum and an Evil genius. If you are a newbie to picaxe then have read of “picaxe microcontroller project for the evil genius” It has some great projects to get u started for those of us on a tight budget here the ISBN 978-0-07-170326 if u still have a local library UK members go request a copy.
So to the problem most of the programme works as I expected that is I send it fwd,back,lft,rgt its fine but when it goes “go sub roam” which it does and completes the routine then the code returns to the main part and I give the command say turn left or go fwd the panning servo starts twitching and it doesn’t appear to complete roam routine when asked again i.e. It acknowledges an obstacle turns once and stops returning to the main part of the code. Am not sure if this is software or hardware issue the servos are on a separate power supply and placed I have 100uf cap on the servo power line.
#picaxe 20x2

symbol ping = c.7                                ' Define output pin for Trigger pulse
symbol echo =  b.2                               ' Define input pin for Echo pulse
symbol range = w10

'############IR control 08M###############################
symbol fromIR = C.2                        '
symbol toIR   = C.5
symbol cmnd   = b0
symbol IRflag = pinC.2		              ' as usual, this is a var
symbol l_led = c.0
symbol r_led = c.4

' servo speed control

symbol l_back_slow = 153
symbol l_back_fast = 200
symbol l_off = 148
symbol l_forward_slow = 137
symbol l_forward_fast = 128

symbol r_back_fast = 95
symbol r_back_slow = 135
symbol r_off = 142
symbol r_forward_slow = 156
symbol r_forward_fast = 220

symbol r = b.3
symbol l = b.4

symbol scan = b.6
symbol lft = 85
symbol rgt = 210
symbol cen = 150


symbol counter = b8

 pause 100
servo scan,150
servo r, r_off
servo l, l_off
pause 100

      high r_led
      high l_led									' pretend to be busy
	if IRflag = 1 then				' data available
      gosub getData						' so go get it
      select case cmnd				' and move accordingly
			'case 1
			'	gosub bacllft
			case 2
				gosub bck
			'case 3
			'	gosub bckrgt
			case 4
				gosub rgt90
			case 5
				gosub allstop
			case 6
				gosub lft90	
			case 7
				gosub ro_rgt
			case 8
				gosub fward
			case 9
				gosub ro_lft	
		'	case 0
		 '           gosub roam
			case 11
				gosub roam 	
		'     case 12
		 '          gosub	
		end select

' ======== End Main Program - Subroutines Follow ========


	pulsout toIR,10						'50uS "send it" pulse	
	serin fromIR,N2400_8,cmnd
	 'sertxd (#cmnd,cr,lf) 			


     for counter = 1 to 4
      for b1 =lft to rgt step 2
      servopos scan,b1
      pause 10
     pulsout ping,2                 ' produce 20uS trigger pulse (must be minimum of 10uS)
     pulsin echo,1,range                ' measures the range in 10uS steps
     pause 10                           ' recharge period after ranging completes
     let range = range * 10 / 58        ' now convert range to cm (divide by 5.8) or inches (divide by 14.8) 
   if range < 30 then gosub rgt180
   if range < 45 then gosub rgt90
      servopos r, r_forward_slow
       servopos l, l_forward_slow
    next b1
        for b1 =rgt to lft step -2
      servopos scan,b1
      pause 10
       pulsout ping,2                     ' produce 20uS trigger pulse (must be minimum of 10uS)
     pulsin echo,1,range                  ' measures the range in 10uS steps
     pause 10                            ' recharge period after ranging completes
     let range = range * 10 / 58          ' now convert range to cm (divide by 5.8) or inches (divide by 14.8) 
      if range < 30 then gosub lft180
      if range < 45 then gosub lft90
servopos r, r_forward_slow
servopos l, l_forward_slow
      next b1
      next counter
       servo scan,150
       pause 30


      gosub allstop
'servopos l,l_back_slow
'servopos r,r_back_slow
       pause 30
servopos l,l_back_slow
servopos r,r_forward_slow
       pause 1350
       gosub allstop
    goto main
       gosub allstop
       pause 30
       'servopos l,l_back_slow
       'servopos r,r_back_slow
       servopos l,l_back_slow
       servopos r,r_forward_slow
       pause 3200
       gosub allstop
       gosub allstop
       pause 30
 'servopos l,l_back_slow
 'servopos r,r_back_slow
       servopos l,l_forward_slow
       servopos r,r_back_slow
       pause 1350
      gosub allstop
    gosub allstop
       pause 30
'servopos l,l_back_slow
'servopos r,r_back_slow
       servopos l,l_forward_slow
       servopos r,r_back_slow
       pause 3300
       gosub allstop
         gosub allstop
 pause 30
  servopos r, r_forward_slow
  servopos l, l_forward_slow
     pause 30
 gosub allstop
     pause 30
       servopos l,l_back_slow
       servopos r,r_back_slow
       pause 30
         servo r, r_off
          servo l, l_off
     pause 30
     gosub allstop
       servopos l,l_forward_slow
       servopos r,r_back_slow
       pause 30
ro_lft: gosub allstop
              servopos l,l_back_slow
              servopos r,r_forward_slow
              pause 30
Anyone got any ideas where am going wrong please say
Cheers rob

maxbot 001.JPG


The end oif the Lft90: subroutine has

GOTO Main​

Should be:

May not solve the problem but needs fixing . . . .
It is called by Roam: and from a direct command.

rob nash

Senior Member
Thanks westaust55 that was a forehead smacking moment I had read and reread the code and still missed that goto main. As for the servo twitching I thought the issue may have been caused by current being drawn from the battery but that&#8217;s wasn&#8217;t the case started changing the values in the servo speed &#8220; didn&#8217;t record any of the value change this time round which I should have &#8220; and that give me varying result like the left wheel started stepping back to a 1 second pulse but when changed the line to
Servopos l,l _forward _slow
Servopos r,r_forward_slow
T o
Servopos l,l _forward_fast
Servopos r,r_forward_fast
The servo twitching stops so that&#8217;s got me thinking that the gremlins are in the numbers will explore this more today. So thanks again for looking over the code.
