Stereo Goggles with Picaxe controlling the camera.


Senior Member
Hi Folks
Been working on this for a while so I've decided to take come pictures.

This is the link to the gallary

The project has 3 parts at the moment. The Stero Video Goggles (yes they will handle 3D natively)
A Maxbotic sonar unit to measure the distance from the cameras to the object being viewed.

Now - as an item move closer to our own eyes - we automatically angle inwards to center it in our field of vision. So to duplicate this I use the Sonar, and 08M2, and 2 tiny servos.

It works - just getting a few bugs out of it like power spikes.

The last part is using the Propellor Backback. This works like a video overlay so I can use a 28X2 to monitor all sorts of status's like GPS, power, temperature and then pass this to the OSD unit to display.

Enjoy.. I'll be putting more secions up now that I have a easier way to make web gallaries.

Take Care


Sounds and looks interesting Dave.

Note there is also the Blogs section on the PICAXE forum site for those who want to post data progressively on their projects as they develop.