Stepper motor order


Senior Member
I am trying to drive a unipolar stepper. Although I have it turning I feel it i not running at the optimum - is there a clever way to identify the ideal connections and order of excitation of the coils.

All the connecting wires are orange (not helpful)




1. How many wires?

2. If the wires have been labelled, using an arbitrary convention,
then, what is the table of resistances?

3. What is your code?

And, any printed info/data about the motor?


AND of course, I should have said,

Circuit diagram? L293 ? ULN2803? ........
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Double check that you have identified the commons correctly.
Then use a simple walking "1" to drive it.
If the motion is smooth, then you've done what you can re wiring.
Without any spec it might just be a question of increasing voltage to get more 'drive' and/or change to half step.
If you had the order wrong, it is unlikely to rotate, it would just vibrate (with walking "1").