spreadsheet to compute voltage divider resistors


Senior Member
I needed to put some available resistors (box of surplus 1% values) to use in a voltage divider and ensure that the 5 volt input of the PICAXE ADC was not exceeded, so I put this Excel file together. There is an example as well as some notes in the file.

The file is in Excel 4 format, so it should work with any version from 4 through 2003.

You can download it here:
<A href='http://www.picaxe.us/files/voltage-divider04.xls' Target=_Blank>External Web Link</a>


D n T

Senior Member
being not very bright but able to lift heavy things, I don't know what the abbreviations mean, could you please add little note explaining them, please.

Edited by - D n T on 16/11/2006 13:13:28