So what projects have you done?


Hey guys,
Im once again on the hunt for a project, i thought this title would also spark abit of convosation on what people have done, personally i am a newbie at picaxe and electronics and have so far made a traffic light system, key pad door lock, infrared trip wire and a two servos which control a webcam chassis.

What have you done?
Any suggestions on projects for newbies such as me?


Picaxe Homepage >
Datasheets >
Exemplar student project datasheets

With the Programming Editor installed no need to go back to the Rev Ed website.

From the PE toolbar select HELP and then select either of the 3 items as PICAXE xxxx Datasheets (but not assembler or User datasheets)
Then in the pop-up window click the "Exemplar Projects" button.