Small stepper motor suppliers


New Member
I have tried Futurlec without much satisfaction. They sent through a bunch of second hand motors. Does anyone know reputable suppliers for the small end market?


Senior Member
How small is small? Power needs ? Stepper type? How many do you need? Where are you in NZ? Stan (Wellington)


Senior Member
Depending on what you want and how many motors you need, you could try here direct from China.

I have bought several lots from them for some CNC routers i have built, and was very happy with the product and the price.

If you check the data sheets i am sure you will find one to suit your needs as they have 100's of different types.


I am looking for this style/range for general purpose use The MP24GA ones they sold me where all second hand. I wanted the PM20/25 type but they couldn't supply

Stan ( Manuka). I'm in Auckland. I see that the company you have used is selling the tiny motors in bulk,, Would be very interested in sharing a bulk supply. I have used 20 of them in an art work that I would like to increase...


Senior Member
I realise you don't want second-hand. But for those that do, an old floppy drive is a good source which I have used successfully.


Senior Member
I've just passed a bulk collection area and picked up 2 inkjets and a scanner - should yield some useful small steppers. For bigger ones, I'll keep an eye out for a laser or 2.