Simulator promlem?


Senior Member
Pin C.4 will only turn off, never on

high C.1
high C.4
pause 2000


  toggle C.1
  If pinC.1 = 0 Then
    Low C.4
    High C.4
  End If
  pause 2000
  If pinC.1 = 0 Then
    pinC.4 = 0
    pinC.4 = 1
  End If
  pause 2000
  pinC.4 = pinC.1
  pause 2000  
goto main
Any of the three methods work fine in a chip.


Technical Support
Staff member
You set pin C.1 as an output (high C.1) then try to use it as an input (if pinC.1=...)?


Senior Member
Also see Hippy's post yesterday to you in a different thread
Thanks for your reply.

All three methods came from a previous Hippy post referenced in the above thread, Since this runs fine in chip I figured it was different enough to be it's own thread.

If this is not the way to do this then what is? Code please.

I beg to differ on the concept of "input pin" since I'm not trying to detect the state of an external device. I'm merely trying to get the status of a pin set by programming and use that in a conditional. I don't know enough to say if there is a difference at a low level but the difference is profound at the hook stuff up and make it work level.
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I'm merely trying to get the status of a pin set by programming and use that in a conditional
You have two choices:
- remember the state yourself by using another variable
- use the outpinsC variable that specifically exists to do what you want...

...and then move on to the next challenge :)


Technical Support
Staff member
I beg to differ on the concept of "input pin" since I'm not trying to detect the state of an external device. I'm merely trying to get the status of a pin set by programming and use that in a conditional. I don't know enough to say if there is a difference at a low level but the difference is profound at the hook stuff up and make it work level.
They are very different. When a pin is configured as an output it is 'internally electrical different' to a pin configured as an input (e.g. FET drivers are enabled in output state but disabled in input state). Therefore when a pin is configured as an output you can't read the normal 'input circuitry' reliably - as effectively you have a completely different electrical circuit 'inside' the chip.
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