Simulator indicates pin activity I dont understand


The attached code drives the CM8880 DTMF chip and was lifted from the parallax site and ‘tweaked’ to work with a 28x2 (I hope adequately.. please advise if not!).

I have left all the original comments in so as to keep context.

I have not tried the code live; but my question concerns the simulator.

Please tell me why on the simulator the pin A.4 pin ‘button’ flashes on when symbol CS_p referenced (only evident when debug/pause as inserted by Froggs).

Otherwise I think the code will do what I want!

Thanks for your comments in advance.




Senior Member
It's because A.4 and serout shares the same pin on PICAXE 28x2. So this happens (A.4 blinks or flashes) when the debug command is executed. Disabling the debug command (by using ; or ') will do the trick and you may use background receive commands instead.

Just for interest sake, that code on its own will just work once and again except you're power cycle.

Adding e.g main: at the top and goto main: at the bottom, will make it to work continuously. ;)


Ex-Staff (retired)
Please tell me why on the simulator the pin A.4 pin ‘button’ flashes on when symbol CS_p referenced (only evident when debug/pause as inserted by Froggs).
A.4 is also Download Serial Out, so it will flash when the Debug command is executed to show data which would be transferred to the Programming Editor Debug display.