Simulation question


Senior Member
In simulation is it possible to have the digital view and values panel both on screen at the same time?

Trying to increment an adc value by 1 and watch outputs I find going between the two time consuming also its tricky incrementing the "pot" by single digits when in digital.

Perhaps there is a better way and I've missed the obvious

Thanks Peter


Technical Support
Staff member
You can also 'watch outputs' by looking at the pinsX variables (in binary) on the code explorer rather than the simulation panel.

You can also 'automate' the process via the code

[color=Navy]#ifdef [/color][color=Blue]simulating
      inc [/color][color=Purple]b1[/color]
      [/color][color=Blue]readadc [/color][color=Black]pin,[/color][color=Purple]b1[/color]


Senior Member
Thanks, but could do with a bit more explanation please as I cannot get it to work. I'm monitoring 5 o/p pins on an 18m2


Technical Support
Staff member
The circled values show the state of the outputs, with 0 = off, 1 = on. If arranged side by side with the analogue value inputs you can use both at the same time.
