Well-known member
Purpose: Use the IR remote to enter a number from 1 to 65535. Data to be sent via the Sertxd to a terminal.
Originally, this code was written to command a vintage Kenwood TS-680S radio to QSY (change to another frequency). I only needed to be within a kHz from 500 to 53999. Numbers from 1 to 499 selected a preset memory frequency from an EEPROM. Wait about three seconds and the number entered will be executed.
I usually write code by the motto “Git'Er Done”, translated “Chaotic”.
For this Forum presentation, I've stripped out the extraneous stuff and “Glammed Up” my code so that others might benefit by being able to read it. 8)
Entering a number larger than the 16-bit word register will rollover. e.g. 65536 = 0 (You might get some weirdness.) SO, Overflows get cleared and you start over.
There's a lot of DEBUG (Sertxd) code to see what's happening and can be removed to save bytes.
Originally, this code was written to command a vintage Kenwood TS-680S radio to QSY (change to another frequency). I only needed to be within a kHz from 500 to 53999. Numbers from 1 to 499 selected a preset memory frequency from an EEPROM. Wait about three seconds and the number entered will be executed.
I usually write code by the motto “Git'Er Done”, translated “Chaotic”.
For this Forum presentation, I've stripped out the extraneous stuff and “Glammed Up” my code so that others might benefit by being able to read it. 8)
Entering a number larger than the 16-bit word register will rollover. e.g. 65536 = 0 (You might get some weirdness.) SO, Overflows get cleared and you start over.
There's a lot of DEBUG (Sertxd) code to see what's happening and can be removed to save bytes.
' /******************************************/
' /* Infrared Receiver Keypad - (08M2 chip) */
' /* radiosparks - rhb.20230827 */
#Terminal 4800
' /**********************/
' /* PORT/PIN */
Symbol LED_OUT = C.4
Symbol IR_INPUT = C.3
' /**********************/
' /* Constants */
Symbol MAXdigit = 65535
' /**********************/
' /* Register Variables */
Symbol commandSTORE = w1 ; b2:b3
Symbol number = w2 ; b4:b5
Symbol tempWORD = w3 ; b6:b7
'// temporary variables t1 -> t5
Symbol t1 = b8
Symbol t2 = b9
Symbol t3 = b10
Symbol t4 = b11
Symbol t5 = b12
Symbol ircmd = b13
Symbol timeout = b14
'// just a habit to zero variables
number = 0
commandSTORE = 0
timeout = 0
' /**********************/
' /* MACRO Directives */
#MACRO FlashLED(times)
t1 = times
gosub LEDflasher
' /**********************/
' /* Program Start */
'// pause until the serial terminal starts up - sometimes slooow
pause 3000
Sertxd ( "Program Start", CR, LF )
'// REM above when not needed - saves bytes
'// do some other stuff while waiting for IR input...
If number <> 0 Then
INC timeout
If timeout > 3 Then
call StoreReset
End If
End If
'// test command store
Select Case commandSTORE
Case 123
'// do something like make a noise
Tune 0, 3, ( 76,56,66,86 )
Case 99
'// Convert to individual ASCII characters
call Number_to_ASCII
Tune 0, 3, ( 76,86 )
Case 1 to 5
'// do anything like flash a light
Case 31 to 34
'// do something that's annoying
t1 = commandSTORE - 31
Select Case t1
case 0: PLAY 0,3
case 1: PLAY 1,3
case 2: PLAY 2,3
case 3: PLAY 3,3
End Select
low LED_OUT ;// most times the play leaves the port high
Case > 0 ;// just for debug - REM when not needed - saves bytes
;// select/case works top down - display if no match
Sertxd ( "DEBUG commandSTORE: ", #commandSTORE, CR, LF )
End Select
commandSTORE = 0 ;// force reset so command can only run once
'// wait a second for input from sony remote ... then do other stuff
Irin [1000, MAIN], IR_INPUT, ircmd
'/* DEBUG IR remote codes - REM if you don't need it */
Sertxd ( "DEBUG ircmd key value: ", #ircmd, CR, LF )
'/* Use to see what codes are being sent */
Select Case ircmd
'// Keypad Remote Number Input
Case <=9
ircmd = ircmd + 1 // 10 ;// correct key value from remote
tempWORD = MAXdigit - ircmd
'// Test if adding IRCMD causes an Overflow
If number > 6553 OR number > tempWORD AND ircmd > 0 Then
Tune 0, 3, ( 66,76,66,76 )
number = 0
Else ;// not overflow; calc new number
number = number * 10 + ircmd
End If
'// TVR010 key-plus 11 [enter] key for simulation
Case 11, 47 ; << Note: 47 is my remote code for enter testing
'// build string up to 5 digits; MAX value 65535
If number = 0 Then
Sertxd ( "DEBUG null entered", CR, LF ) ;// no entry
Tune 0, 1, ( 66,1 )
call StoreReset
End If
Tune 0, 1, ( 56 )
'// add extra keypad codes below for an immediate response
Case 18 ;// right arrow key
Case 19 ;// left arrow key
End Select
Tune 0, 0, ( ircmd ) ;// play tune with value of ircmd
FlashLED(1) ;// block to slow down repeating key presses
timeout = 0 ;// you pressed a key; reset timeout
' /**********************/
' /* Subroutines */
'// Command Storage for use later
commandSTORE = number
'// number and timeout
number = 0
timeout = 0
BINtoASCII commandSTORE,t1,t2,t3,t4,t5
Sertxd ( "Convert to ASCII: ", t1," ",t2," ",t3," ",t4," ",t5, CR, LF )
for t2 = 1 to t1
High LED_OUT: Pause 125: Low LED_OUT: Pause 125
next t2
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